Mrs. Jodi Cataldo

Berlin Elementary School Principal
53 School Street  Berlin, NY 12022
Phone: 518-658-1500, press 3



Berlin Elementary School educates approximately 350 students in grades Pre-K through Grade 5.  Each year I enjoy getting to know the students, parents and staff that form our school community. We strive to be a welcoming environment where students are supported in their efforts to be the best learners possible, and where students and staff want to come each day. If you have any questions or concerns about your child, please contact me in the main office. If you have suggestions or ways that you can contribute to our school, I would love to hear from you. I look forward to working with you to make your child’s school experience a positive one!



Berlin Elementary School Visions and Mission

It is the vision of Berlin Elementary School to empower each student to grow academically, socially, and emotionally based on their individual needs. Students will be provided with meaningful, relevant, and connected learning to reach success. We will foster a learning environment that collaborates with families and the community to achieve this vision.

  • Utilize data from multiple sources to target student needs and design effective interventions
  • Create Professional Learning Communities to continually review student growth, and academic needs
  • Examine student work to create rubrics and meaningful assessments
  • Creating a school community that is responsible, safe, and respectful through the use of community circles, school wide assemblies, and fostering a sense of school pride.
  • Modeling of appropriate behavior through the use of a school wide behavior matrix.
  • Allowing students choice to explore interests and passions through extra curricular opportunities
  • Regular communication with families and opportunities for them to engage in their child’s learning and school events.

Principal’s Corner