Building & Grounds Department
17400 State Route 22
Cherry Plain, NY 12940
(518) 658-1500
Ext. 3011 Cyril Grant, Superintendent of Buildings
Ext. 3010 Chelsea Rathbun, Senior Typist
Buildings and Grounds Mission and Vision Statement
Mission Statement:
The mission of the Buildings and Grounds Department for the Berlin Central School District is to provide a safe, comfortable and clean environment for students to learn and staff to work. District assets will be protected by maintaining our facilities in their most original condition, while continuing to improve the facilities functional abilities in order to keep pace with the changing needs of 21st Century Learning and the Community.
- Serve as an integral source of planning, information, recommendations, and actions essential for the successful development, operation and upkeep of the school district’s facilities.
- Sustain an organization of administration, custodial and facilities maintenance staff that compliments the historical reputation of the Berlin Central School District.
- To ensure flexibility and response capabilities that support the ever-changing demands of the educational process.
- Maintain an environment that supports the District’s Vision and Mission, of excellence in education and preparing students to become productive members of society through their own success in the workforce, college, the community, and life.
Building Use Form
The school district is required, under rules and regulations of the federal Environmental Protection Agency in response to the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act of 1986
(AHERA), to notify students, parents and employees of the presence of asbestos containing materials (ACM) in its buildings. Notice is hereby given that pursuant to AHERA 40 CRF Part 763 section 763.93, the District will conduct inspections, re-inspections and operations and maintenance activities designed to identify and abate ACM known to exist in its school buildings. Notice is also given that a copy of the district’s Management Plan for Asbestos Abatement, together with supporting documentation, is available for inspection in the District Facilities Office. Questions concerning the District’s response to AHERA regulations should be directed to the Superintendent of Buildings & Grounds at 518-658-1500, option 8, extension 3011.