
Bus route information for the 2024/2025 school year has been sent via email today, August 19, 2024 . Please check your email and contact Transportation at or ( 518-658-2812)  if you did not receive pick up and drop off times and locations as well as late bus drop off locations for your child(ren) . 

Transportation Department
Phone: 518-658-1500
School Bus Lane , Berlin, NY 12022
Fax: 518-658-2832

Supervisor of Transportation – Jeaneatte Alderman
518-658-1500 ex 3502
Head Mechanic 
– Richard Wagar
518-658-1500 ex 3503


Transportation News

Bus route information has been sent via email today . Please check your email and contact Transportation at or ( 518-658-2812)  if you did not receive pick up and drop off times and locations as well as late bus drop off locations for your child(ren) . 



2024/2025 Berlin CSD Transportation Update


Transportation Orientation for Pre-K and Kindergarten – August 21st


BCSD Transportation Childcare Form 







School Bus Safety Program in Berlin Central School District

Every year the Berlin CSD Transportation Department holds emergency school bus evacuation drills for Mountaineers.
Yesterday, students at the Berlin Middle High and Berlin Elementary schools took part in one of those drills and were able to practice for a potential emergency.

​BCSD’s Supervisor of Transportation​ ​Jeaneatte Alderman shared that it is a good reminder​ for students to participate in the interactive drills that simulates an emergency.
During the drills students learn about bus safety features. Through these drills bus drivers and monitors teach students how to act swiftly and safely in an emergency.

Additionally, Berlin CSD has ​recently ​partnered with Rensselaer County and BusPatrol to launch a new school bus safety program, to safeguard students on the journey to and from school.

The school buses in the Berlin CSD fleet have now been outfitted with advanced safety technology including AI-powered stop-arm cameras to deter motorists from illegally passing stopped school buses.
To learn more about this program and find safety activity books for young Mountaineers please go to

School Bus Safety Program in Berlin Central School District

​Thank you to the entire BCSD Transportation Department for all you do to promote school bus safety.

​If you have questions about bus safety or general transportation questions please feel free to contact Transportation Supervisor Jeaneatte Alderman at

Update from the BCSD Transportation Department 1/5/23

There have been some technical difficulties with the new SpotMyBus GPS trackers and the BCSD Transportation Department is working with SpotMyBus to rectify the problem, however, it will take longer than expected.
The district will update the community as soon as there is a clear time frame for the system to be back up and running.
We apologize for the inconvenience this is causing and appreciate your patience with this matter as SpotMyBus resolves the issue.
Please have your students at their bus stop 5 minutes ahead of their scheduled time.
-BCSD Transportation Supervisor Jeaneatte Alderman

For questions please contact Supervisor of Transportation – Jeaneatte Alderman

5G SpotMyBus Trackers Update 12/30/22

Over the holiday recess the BCSD Transportation Department has transitioned to the 5G SpotMyBus trackers. These new 5G trackers will be learning routes and could take a few days to calibrate. The transportation department asked that you please be patient and be sure to have your student(s) out 5 minutes ahead of their regular pick up time starting Tuesday, January 3rd.  Thank you in advance for your patience and we wish the BCSD Community a Happy New Year! -BCSD Transportation Supervisor Jeaneatte Alderman

For questions please contact

SpotMyBus 5G!

Find out more here


The BCSD Transportation Department helped light up the community this past Saturday evening by participating in the Stephentown Lighted Parade and Tree Lighting. Special thanks to the school bus decorators: Valerie Bell, Jeaneatte Alderman, Lynn June, Chris June, Rebecca June, Alyssa Jagrosse and a big shout out to BCSD driver Barb Staples for driving in the parade and helping decorate the bus. photos: Jeaneatte Alderman



Stop on Red Kids Ahead! Is the motto from the New York  State Department of Motor Vehicles when it comes to bus stop safety. 

Berlin CSD recently added three new buses to their fleet and this morning BCSD’s Transportation Supervisor, Ms. Jeaneatte Alderman, demonstrated the newly purchased “First Light Safety” products.

While continuously looking at every angle to improve student safety, we purchased three new buses with ultra bright illuminated stop arms and school bus signs,” said Ms. Alderman. “These stop arms are visible from 1000 feet, the goal is to reduce the amount of illegal passing of school buses by other motorists and increase student safety.”

As school reopens next month please Stop on Red Kids Ahead!

For more information and tips on school bus safety please check out this DMV website here