BOE April Meeting Notices

BOE April Meeting Notices

REMINDER: The BOE Budget Workshop will be April 18, 2023 at 7:15 PM and the regular monthly BOE Meeting will be April 25, 2023 at 7:15 PM both meeting will be in the Berlin Middle High School Cafeteria. Please join us. Your voice is important.

Capital Project #1 Video Updates

Capital Project #1 Video Updates

The Berlin Central School District would like to thank the BCSD Community for their support during the past two capital projects. This week we would like to take a moment to highlight the improvements brought about by the completion of Capital Project #1. The district has put together four videos which we will release throughout this week highlighting the direct and positive impact that Capital Project #1 has had on the district’s students and staff. Today’s Capital Project #1 spotlight will be on the Berlin Middle High School.