BCSD Shares an Appreciation for BOE Recognition Week

BCSD Shares an Appreciation for BOE Recognition Week

The New York State School Boards Association recognizes October 16-20 as School Board Recognition Week. This is a time to promote awareness and understanding of the important work performed by local school boards. Thank you, Andrea Beckwith, Kim Collen, Derrick Gardner, Trevor Jewett, Sherry Bowman-Kluck, Katie Snyder and Frank J. Zwack for your service to the Berlin Central School District.

Schoology Reminder and Information

Schoology Reminder and Information

Schoology is one of the main forms of communication for students in grades 6-12 (BES grades 4 & 5 are also part of the Schoology platform). Schoology…there is an app for that!! You can see your student’s grades, due dates for assignments, message a teacher, get school announcements, club notices, and sports practice/game updates right from your phone. Read more about it here.