The final Character Education trait for the 2023-2024 school year at Berlin Elementary was Mountaineer Pride, described as feeling very happy and pleased about being part of the Berlin School District. Feeling Proud to be a Berlin Mountaineer!


A highlight during the assembly was celebrating the pride and gratitude the students and staff of BES have for this year’s two retirees at Berlin Elementary. The Berlin Mountaineer was on hand to join in the celebration and well wishes for Ms. Vivian Healy, retiring with 35.5 years as a special education teacher, 23.5 of which were in Berlin, and Ms. Michele Doyle, retiring with 35 years of teaching, with 33 of them at Berlin!


Fifth graders Quinnrose Hastings and Erin Stott interviewed Ms. V. Healy and Ms. Doyle about their retirement and what they are looking forward to and what they will miss most.  Both teachers spoke about the pride they feel when their students have an “aha moment” and the how they will think back on their time at BES fondly because of its wonderful staff and student community.

Principal Kent and Assistant Principal Cataldo presented Ms. V Healy and Ms. Doyle with beautiful paintings created by Ms. Karyn Healy that included all of the BES Mountaineers’  fingerprints, as a parting gift.

We will miss you Ms. V. Healy and Ms. Doyle, thank you for your many years of dedication and service to the BCSD Community.  All the best in your retirement.

It was also Green and Gold Day at BES so the Mountaineers’ spirit was visible during the exciting assembly.



A BES Mountaineer is responsible, safe and respectful. Merits are given out by BES staff and bus drivers to celebrate Mountaineers who demonstrate these traits. The recipients receive merits that are deposited in the Mountaineer Merit container in BES’s main hallway.

Each month, Principal Kent and Assistant Principal Cataldo draw the names of ten merit recipients (five from kindergarten to second grade and five from third to fifth grade), who receive a prize and recognition at the assemblies. Please find May and June’s Merit winners below.

May Mountaineer Merit Winners

Congratulations to May’s Mountaineer Merit Winners: Maxwell Micheli, Emma Greeley, Bailey Buck, Kinslee Jones, Ryan Sausville, Garrett Dwyer, Dominic Sams, Mase Lewis, Nathan Cruse, and Quinnrose Hastings

June Mountaineer Merit Winners

Congratulations to June’s Mountaineer Merit Winners: Cora-Mae Dus, Lucas Brand, Noah Gardy, Emmerson Galusha, Alana Kellar, Lilliana Killeen, Caraline Webster, Jaxson Homiak, and Juniper S​eifridsberger



Monthly Character Counts award recipients are selected by classroom teachers based on the month’s character trait and announced during the monthly assemblies.

May Character Counts Award Recipients

The May Character Count Awards were given to students who demonstrated motivation, and showed extra motivation in reaching their goals throughout the month.

Congratulations to May’s Character Count award recipients: Kacie Kiablick, Logan Montoya, Emma Beaudry, Jameson Bloomfield, Abigail Brand, Paisley Murphy, Carter Childs, Gianna Roberts, Aria Suttie, Emma Hunt, Weston Schichtl, Averi Theoret, Elizabeth Mobley, Franchesca Milianta, Jameson Murphy, Micah Ehnholt, Duncan Thompson, Rebecca June, 


June Character Counts Award Recipients

The June Character Counts Awards were given to students who were outstanding in demonstrating the trait of honesty, being truthful in what you say and do, throughout the month of May. 

Congratulations to June’s Character Count award recipients: Jaxon Brennan, Maeve Ellis, Braelynn Mitchell, Edwin Williams, Emma Greeley, Landon Young, CJ Nissen, Iris Burnell, Ryan Sausville, Willy Siller, Talon DeMaio, Remington Jones, Taryn French Khalani Gonzalez-Caban, Jacqueline Morstad, Emmalayne Swanson, Chase King and Ryder LeBlanc




This May and June’s Restorative Rockstars were Mrs. Cataldo and Ms. Rontey !


Go Mountaineers!


Mountaineers Mantra

The Mountaineers are WE!


Berlin students all agree!


We climb, we climb, we climb!


We do it every time!