Board of Education

Board Members

Andrea Beckwith – 2022 – present – current term – 2022-2025
Kim Collen – 2022 – present – current term – 2022-2025
Penni Eggsware – 2024 – present – current term 2024-2027
Derrick Gardner – 2020 – present – current term 2023-2026
Sherry Bowman-Kluck – 2016 – present – current term 2022-2025
Katie Snyder – 2012 – present – current term 2024-2027- BOE President
Frank J. Zwack – 1983 – 2001, 2002 – present – current term 2023-2026 – BOE Vice President 

*Each term is a three year term which begins July 1, of the year and ends June 30, of the ending term.

The Board of Education is comprised of seven members elected by district residents. All members serve without pay for three year terms. Under the Education Law of New York State, the Board is responsible for the education of students who attend the schools in the district; for the preparation of the annual budget, for district adherence to state law and State Education Department regulations concerning the conduct of the public schools. The Superintendent of Schools is charged with the administration of Board policies.
Monthly BOE meetings are held at 7:15 p.m. at the Berlin Middle High School on the third Tuesday of the month. Please join us. Your voice is important.





Upcoming Board of Education Meetings


Special Board of Education Meeting
Tuesday, July 16, 2024 at 7:15 pm
Berlin Middle High School Auditorium

Livestream @YouTube Channel: Streaming BCSD




Board of Education Meeting
Tuesday August 20, 2024 at 7:15 pm
Berlin Middle High School Auditorium

Livestream @YouTube Channel: Streaming BCSD




The district will be live streaming this meeting.
The live stream can be found on our district’s YouTube Channel: Streaming BCSD.
Click the livestream icon in the upper right hand corner of our district homepage or go directly to this link.

Monthly BOE meetings are held at 7:15 p.m. at the Berlin Middle High School on the third Tuesday of the month (most months – February, April, May and July are exceptions).

Please join us. Your voice is important.




How To Effectively Communicate With Berlin School and District Staff

The Berlin Central School District’s Board of Education members, and the BCSD Board of Education as a whole, appreciates hearing from the community. The BOE takes all emails into serious consideration and acts on them together, as a Board. However, the BOE may not necessarily reply directly to all the emails that they receive. The BOE encourages the community to reach out directly to their student’s teachers, principals or administrative team for questions and concerns that need an immediate and direct response back. Your voice is an important part of our BCSD community. As a BCSD parent/community member please take time to review the “chain of command,” or where to begin the communication sequence regarding a problem or concern. Many parent and community questions are easily and completely answered by communicating directly with the educator in charge of the class or program. Each situation should first be addressed at whatever level the initial action was taken, with appeals moving on to the next level in the chain of command.
Email at:


The budget proposition passed by 68% with 289 Yes votes and 137 No votes. This is for the 2024-2025 budget of $25,527,077. It represents an increase of 3.5% in the tax levy.

Purchase of four (4) school bus (66 seats), two (2) 7-passenger vehicles, at a cost not to exceed $295,000.
268 Yes votes; 157 No votes

Board of Education Election
Two candidates sought election to two open board of education seats. One candidate for re-election and one new candidate.
Katie Snyder
Penni Eggsware

Please find a message from Interim Superintendent Dr. Long below.

Good Evening,

I wish to once again thank members of the community for their active engagement during what was a challenging budget development process.

I am pleased to share with you the proposed 2024-2025 Berlin CSD Budget was overwhelmingly passed by the voters this evening by 68% with 289 Yes votes and 137 No votes. In addition voters elected two Board of Education members, Katie Snyder and Penni Eggsware, and approved the purchase of up to four school buses, including two school bus vehicles and two 7-passenger vehicles.

The voter turnout and the outcome signifies the commitment our community has to our schools and our students.  Thank you to everyone who came out to cast their vote.


Dr. Maureen A. Long

Interim Superintendent

Board Accepts the 22-23 Auditors Report and Corrective Action Plan


Board of Education Committees

Click on the links below for the BOE Committees’ latest news and updates



Notification of Employment of a Retired Person