Four the last five years Mr. Matthew Christian’s Berlin High School Aquatics program has partnered with Via Aquarium in Rotterdam, NY.

This year BHS students Madison Lenyk, Elizabeth Hunt, Jaid Vazquez, and Marissa Yerdon who took Mr. Christian’s unique Marine Biology Independent Study class, once again were able to successfully raise Moon Jellyfish from polyps to embryos and finally to hatched Moon Jellies. The students were able to donate just under 100 Moon Jellyfish to the Via Aquarium!

During this year’s independent study, the Mountaineers learned about aquarium husbandry which includes maintaining tank water levels, feeding the marine life and keeping important records all while critically thinking and problem solving along the way.

The students presented their recorded observations to senior aquarists at Via, Julie McNulty and members of the Via Aquarium staff.
See a video from the students visit which includes their full presentation below.
BHS students from Mr. Christian’s Maine Biology class also attended the trip and were able to watch their peers’ presentation and get a tour behind the scenes of the Via Aquarium. A highlight for the students was the chance to pet the stingrays in their interactive touch tank.
The independent study students helped to acclimate the jellyfish and release them into their new tanks at the aquarium.The Berlin High School Marine Biology program, pioneered by Mr. Christian 16 years ago, is an outstanding learning opportunity for students at Berlin CSD.