September’s character trait at BES was respect. Staff highlighted this trait throughout the month and BES Mountaineers did an excellent job being respectful all during October and continue to do so as we start November. 

At the beginning of October’s Character Education assembly, Mountaineers who consistently modeled the trait of respect were selected by classroom teachers to receive the monthly Character Counts award.

Congratulations to October’s Respectful Mountaineers: Leo Deschaine, Ethan Vasilatos, Alyda Brock, Alana Kellar, Kinslee Jones, Finlei Sweeney, Katharine Garner, Madelyn Bonesteel, Clyne Capasso, Skylin Ellis, Grace Lanahan, Caellum Etman, Zachary Lail, Deaglan Wilson, Eli Swim, Quinn Miller, Christopher LaMountain, and Jase Matthew

October’s character traits were responsible and safe. Assistant Principal Mrs. Cataldo and third grade teacher Ms. Rontey played a trivia game during the assembly with the K-5 Mountaineers, this was to further their understanding of setting personal goals for being responsible and safe in all areas of their life.  The students had fun with the trivia and it was a great way to bring home the character traits for October.

September and October’s character traits are the foundation of BES’ Mountaineer Mantra, which is recited during the start of each month’s assembly. Thank you to the third grade volunteers, for doing an excellent job leading the assembly in the Mountaineer Mantra!


Mountaineers Mantra

The Mountaineers are WE!


Berlin students all agree!


We climb, we climb, we climb!


We do it every time!


Mountaineer Merits are awarded throughout the month for being responsible, safe and respectful. Elementary and Transportation staff award merit tickets to celebrate Mountaineers who demonstrate these traits. The students then deposit their merit into the Mountaineer Merit container found in the main hallway.

Principal Kent and Assistant Principal Cataldo draw ten merit recipients (five from kindergarten to second grade and five from third to fifth grade) each month to receive recognition and a prize at the conclusion of each assembly.




Congratulations to the October’s Merit recipients: Emma Greeley, Maggie Etman, Keegan Radliff, Ivy Kennedy, Sophia Dunlop, Addison Bourassa, Eliza Geerholt, Lucas Brand, Alayna Stevens, and Tyler Burdick

October’s Restorative Rock Star was Kindergarten Teaching Assistant Mrs. Bushway! Mrs. Bushway has shown major flexible thinking this year and is always ready to learn something new to help our students!  She is a caring member of our school community, thinks about others, and seeks out ways to be a helper to everyone.  Thanks for all you do Mrs. Bushway!