Please find a welcome letter from Superintendent Dhara below. This letter was emailed home to all Mountaineer families on September 4th. If you did not receive this email, please contact your building’s main office to update your contact information. Go Mountaineers!


September 4, 2023

Dear Berlin families,

Welcome back to the 2023-2024 school year! I hope that each of you had a warm and relaxing summer and are now ready to get back into the excitement of learning.

We look forward to an engaged and productive partnership with you to ensure that our Mountaineer students attain their highest academic potential.

As a district our sole purpose is learning. Every staff member at Berlin is committed to enhancing the educational opportunities for our students and engaging them in multiple ways in their learning.

Last year we started a number of initiatives like – Multi Tiered Student Support for supporting students with their social and emotional needs, iReady to provide targeted support for students in academics, revamping our district professional development process for staff to make it more effective, and a Raptor system for visitor identification at both buildings for increased safety, among other initiatives. We have successfully completed both capital projects which enabled our students to play on both our baseball and soccer fields which is a pleasure to watch. We also ran our second successful year of K-12 summer school to provide year long academic access, support and engagement for our students. This year we will continue to build upon these initiatives and evaluate them for effectiveness and improvement, while incorporating other initiatives based on our student’s needs.

We will also continue to work on increasing our communication with parents and the community. Recently we added LinkedIn to our district social media platforms. Our newsletters have now increased to three per year, as opposed to the single newsletter in prior years. Our newsletter at the beginning of each school year will be an Annual Report Card for the district, in terms of our initiatives and progress along the four pillars of the Strategic Plan, throughout the prior school year. This newsletter should be arriving shortly. Our mid-year newsletter will focus on the progress made halfway through the year and the opportunities that our students have enjoyed till then. The Budget newsletter will focus on the district budget and finances and how the school district is stewarding the finances entrusted to it by the community.

School Messenger is our primary means of communicating with parents so if you have not already done so please connect with your building Principal so we can make sure that you are added to the list.

Our theme for this year is ‘Engaged Mountaineers’ which is one of our four pillars from the Strategic Plan. Your engagement with the district, and your support and collaboration, is crucial to ensure that our students continue to be successful and reach their maximum potential everyday. We have an incredible Parent-Teacher-Organization at each building,  and an awesome Booster club. Please consider joining them if you have not already done so. Thank you for all that you do during the school year to be an active participant in our district.

With your support, we are on a stronger path toward higher excellence and a brighter future for our students, staff and district.

As always, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out.

Happy Labor Day weekend, and I look forward to our students returning on September 7th for this exciting school year!

Joseph Dhara
Superintendent of Schools



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