Please find the letter from Berlin Superintendent Mr. Joseph Dhara regarding the decision about the two bus runs in the afternoon this coming school year below. Please note this was emailed home to all Berlin CSD families on the evening of August 3, 2023. A link to the Two Bus Run FAQ can be found HERE 


Good evening Berlin parents/guardians,

Thank you for your patience as I looked through the information shared at the community forums, and various other means including emails. I truly appreciate your presence at the forums and your engagement throughout the process.

After reviewing all the information, I have reached the decision that a two bus run in the afternoon is best for our students, staff and district.

I understand that this may not be the ideal solution for some parents, but the district has to adopt the best of all possible solutions.

As we transition to the two bus runs in the afternoon, please keep in mind that it will take some time for transportation, arrival, and dismissal to settle into the new routine. I appreciate your understanding and cooperation in advance.

Also please keep in mind that BMHS will now start 20 minutes earlier and BES will now start 15 minutes later to accommodate the two runs in the afternoon.

The principals may be sending out more details in the coming days regarding the revised bell schedule (if and when it applies).

Transportation will also be sending out the bus schedule for the two bus runs in the afternoon once the routes have been finalized.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to me.

Thank you once again for your patience as we worked through this diligently.

Have a great Friday and weekend.


A. Joseph Dhara



Afternoon Bus Run Decision August 3,2023 Letter PDF


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