It has been a busy and fun last couple of weeks at Berlin Elementary for the fifth grade Mountaineers as they counted down the days until their Moving On Ceremony. Mr. Turetsky’s math classes made room for one final fun project last week. The Puff Mobile Design and Distance Competition!
The fifth-grade students were tasked with designing a puff mobile using 4 beads, 10 straws, 1 piece of paper and an unlimited number of pins. Students were partnered in groups of 2 or 3. Their goal was to work cooperatively to build a puff mobile that travels a distance using only a single puff of air. They had three days to build and on day 4, each fifth-grade class had their own puff mobile competition. In each competition, the group had 3 chances to move their puff mobile. The total distance traveled was measured in centimeters. The average of the 3 distances was each group’s final score. The winners from each class were as follows:
Mr. Turetsky/Mrs. Savarias Class: Christopher Perrotti-Sousis and James Forrest
Ms. Philip’s Class: Braydon Griswold and Abriella Milianta
Mrs. DeMagistris/Mr. Moseley’s Class: Chance Burdick and Eli Ehntholt
photos: Mr. Turetsky