The final Character Education trait for the 2022-2023 school year at Berlin Elementary was pride, a feeling of pleasure and satisfaction that you get because you or people connected with you have done or gotten something good.

During the assembly the BES Character Education team shared a read aloud video linked here called I’m Proud of Myself by Laurie Wright.

The Character Education team also presented different ways the Mountaineers can show their pride for their community and each other.  A highlight during the assembly was celebrating the pride and gratitude the students and staff of BES have for this year’s three retirees at BES. Berlin’s Mountaineer was even on hand to celebrate and wish Mrs. Kathy Mason-Wagar, Mrs. Brenda DeMagistris and Mrs. Lauren Nichols well in their next chapter.




A BES Mountaineer is responsible, safe and respectful. Merits are given out by BES staff and bus drivers to celebrate Mountaineers who demonstrate these traits. The recipients receive merits that are deposited in the Mountaineer Merit container in BES’s main hallway.

This month there were 329 K- 2nd grade Merits and 225 3rd – 5th grade Merits.  That is a total of 616 Merits awarded throughout the month for being responsible, safe and respectful Mountaineers! Great job BES!

Each month, Principal Kent and Assistant Principal Cataldo draw the names of ten merit recipients (five from kindergarten to second grade and five from third to fifth grade), who receive a prize and recognition at the assemblies.

Congratulations to June’s Mountaineer Merit Winners: Iris Burnell, Talon DeMaio, Adeline Huggins, Anthony Gipe Jr., Maggie Etman, Alaina Chittenden, Phoebe Brooks, Tristen MacMillen, Sophia Zinna and Trent Hastings

Mountaineer Merit Winners



Monthly Character Counts award recipients are selected by classroom teachers and announced during the monthly assemblies.

Congratulations to June’s Character Count award recipients: John Peterson, Emmerson Galusha, Sadie Wescott, Silas Smith, Iris Burnell, Skylin Ellis, Messiha Johnson, Keegan Radliff, James Cronin, Drew Matthews, Stanton Murray, Tristen MacMillen, Jacqueline Morstad, Allie Andrew, Eli Ehntholt, Maya Sykes Gundlach and Brandon Kinnon

Character Counts Award Recipients


This month’s Restorative Rockstars are Mr. Dobbins and Ms. Teplitsky!

Mr. Dobbins puts a growth mindset into his work with students every day and is always thinking about the best way to support each individual kid in the way that helps them.  He is a great listener and helps kids communicate and learn to express their feelings in a positive way!

 Ms. Teplitsky is a wearer of many hats and does so with style and grace. Ms. T advocates for the needs of others, listens to and validates their feelings, and helps come up with problem solving solutions all while keeping the needs of students at the forefront. Ms. T has definitely earned the title of restorative rockstar this month. Thank you for all that you do for our school community!

Go Mountaineers!