Today students at Berlin Elementary School in Kindergarten through 4th grade “moved up” for a visit to the grade level they will be heading into next school year. The 5th grade students take this time each year to go back for a visit to the Kindergarten Team and reminisce on their time at BES.
Today the 1st through 5th grade level teams gave presentations to the students which covered the goals, expectations and learning the Mountaineers will embark on next year. The BES students were able to ask many questions of the teachers and see what a classroom at the next grade level will look like. This is also a time for the teachers and their future students to share in the excitement of moving up together.
This is always a special day at the end of the year and one to ask your students about.
Berlin Elementary classroom placements will be sent home by email ​during the summer, so please keep an eye out for an email from BES.
photos submitted by BES Principal Mrs. Kent