The freshman class enjoyed a day of sunshine and outdoor adventure on Friday, April 28th while on a field trip with the LINK program. LINK is a program that provides support for all incoming freshmen, pairing them with responsible upperclassmen to serve as role models and guides for navigating the first year of high school. To celebrate the end of the LINK program, leaders and their advisors treated the freshmen to an exciting day at Christ the King in Greenwich, NY, where everyone was able to engage with archery tag, axe throwing, and dropping from the giant swing. The day was highlighted with smiles, laughter, and new memories. Advisors Mrs. Bugbee and Ms. Marbot would like to thank all of the employees at CTK, our wonderful chaperones and bus drivers who made the trip possible, and also a huge shout out to this year’s LINK leaders! Thank you Mykalah Canam, Rhiannon McKeown, Acelyn Ploof, Joann Prather, Alex Reinhart, Sarah Roy, Samantha Rokjer, and Rebecca Smith! – Advisors Mrs. Bugbee and Ms. Marbot
photos provided by: Mrs. Bugbee and Ms. Marbot