The BNL bowlers are to determined to improve, and keep impressing on the lanes. Thursday night BNL faced Stillwater for the second time this season. BNL’s goal was to beat their previous match scores against Stillwater, which resulted in total pinfall of 2,060. They achieved that goal, rolling a 2,491. Logan Dunlop led the day with a 545 series, high game of 192. Alex Reinhart had a 447 with a high of 179, and freshman Logan Horton had a 436 with a 160 high game. Avyn Capasso started his day with a new personal best, a 166 in game one. There was consistent effort and good shooting by all. The bowlers have a short week next week, with only Senior Night on Thursday, 1/19. Good luck and good bowling! – Coach Marbot and Coach Slaver
Go BNL!!​