archived photos-BCSD Communications


The bowling team improved their record with a 4-1 win over Waterford-Halfmoon on Tuesday night. The bowlers had a close first game victory, followed by a close second game loss, which brought the pinfall difference between the teams to a mere 8 pins going into game three. The team stepped up for a 985, their best individual game of the season, defeating Waterford-Halfmoon’s 726. Freshman Kaylee Ferrarin helped lead the game three charge, rolling her new personal best with a 182. Logan Dunlop was with her with a 184, matching his previous games of 184 and 183. Logan Horton was just behind with a 177, and Noah Bonesteel was on a roll with a 162. Gabe Florada had an impressive 144 starting the day on JV, and was pulled up to Varsity for games two and three to contribute to the victory. Good bowling to all!  -Coach Marbot and Coach Slaver
Go BNL!!