10/19 the last game of the season was suspenseful to say the least…

These ladies on the girls modified soccer team never stop impressing me..
Being down 0-1 at halftime the ladies had enough of the cold and came back with a 4-2 win, yup just plain fantastic.
The “midfield monster” Ms. Clair Schaaphok. I have tried to get this lady to go to the goal since our first practice. I guess she decided to get them all in at the last game, she scored all 4 goals with assists from Ms. Elliot Smith, Ms. Madison Rontey, Ms. Maddie Prusky backed her up with 2.
Ms. Anna Ward was in her element in the goal with several one-on-one situations that came out with Anna taking possession, an absolute pleasure to watch in the goal. Along with her defense Ms. Lily Mumford who is a force to be reckoned with once the ball crosses half field, needs to be recognized for taking control of the backfield with Ms. Riley Foss and Ms. Rylee Colantonio  at her side is a spectacular sight to watch.
This was an ideal season, a perfect example of what modified sports are about. The idea of maybe I should try it, turns into the more I practice the better I become, in the end a whole new love for a game that you can’t wait to master.  Personally, I can’t wait to see this crew of ladies take the field in the big game one day.
 I am beyond grateful and super proud to have had the opportunity to have played a part in their growth as soccer players, self esteem and hopefully they will keep our motto their whole lives “ be afraid of nothing and don’t let anyone push you around, but always be a lady about the situation, with my love to you all. -Coach Bridgie!