Please note this letter was emailed home to all BCSD Families on May 25, 2022 

Dear Berlin parents and community members,

Every time there is a school shooting like the one that occurred in Texas yesterday, we grieve for the children, the school employees and the parents whose loss is difficult to understand. Frustration, anger and worry are only natural as we think about how such incidents might affect our own children, our community and our schools.

I want to assure you that safety is, and will remain, a top priority in the Berlin Central School District. With direction and support from our Board of Education, our teachers, principals, support staff and law enforcement partners we will continue to work together to figure out how best to protect our children. When tragedies occur, we must also help children to cope with it and provide them with the love, support and guidance they need to feel safe.

Below are some resources to assist you in speaking with your children about violence. We also want to provide you with information regarding our own school safety procedures.

Safety Measures at Berlin CSD:

In the Berlin Central School District, we have a comprehensive district-wide safety plan, a safety committee that meets regularly and which includes members of law enforcement, and very active safety teams in every school. We also have building level safety committees and building level plans which are updated regularly.

Both our schools work closely with law enforcement agencies and other first responders to continuously improve our safety infrastructure. Law enforcement and fire departments are present during our fire and lockdown drills, so that we can share ideas on how to improve safety in our buildings and implement such steps in a timely manner.

Through the current Capital project, we are:

  1. Currently installing cameras both inside and outside the school buildings which will be monitored by administration and front office secretaries. These cameras will monitor the school entrances, interior spaces and surrounding school property.
  2. Both buildings will have access entry for exterior doors – staff will use swipe cards instead of keys for entry to the buildings. This system will also help us to recognize when an exterior door is left open or disable the card readers quickly.

The installation of both these items is underway and should be completed by Summer of 2022.

All schools have a locked single point of entry through which students, employees and visitors enter. These have security vestibules.

All visitors must sign-in upon entering school.

All staff must wear photo ID badges while in school buildings.

Increase in the number of hall monitors employed at each building.

All employees must be fingerprinted and pass a thorough background check before starting work.

Safety training is provided to staff annually during Superintendent’s Conference Days.

Coordination with Questar on risk assessment training which guides how we respond to reports that someone may have made a threat towards someone else within our school community.

In addition to our safety program, we have increased access for students to receive mental health services within our schools. Our schools have a social worker, psychologist and counselors on its staff and a student assistance counselor provided by the Rensselaer County Department of Mental Health.

It is tragic when violence is directed at schools which have our most vulnerable populations. When these incidents occur, and they are widely broadcast in the news and on social media, we must also reassure our children in an age-appropriate manner that they are safe and cared for by adults at home and at school. The resources listed below may be helpful to you in the coming days.

If you “See something, Say something”, so that many incidents can be averted before they begin.

If you have any questions or concerns about school safety or mental health needs, please contact your school principal or my office. In Berlin CSD, we are committed to being here for you and your children.


Joseph Dhara

Superintendent of Schools

 Resources for Talking to Children: