BNL Varsity Softball traveled to Chatham yesterday 5/18 for game 2 of Sectionals. It was a no run game for both teams until the 5th inning when Chatham scored a few runs.  Unfortunately BNL tried their best but couldn’t get the bats going in those last at bats to tie it up and lost 5-0.  Though it wasn’t the win the girls wanted, they should be very proud to have gone this far in the season. The varsity team consisted of two 8th graders, three freshmen, two sophomores, one junior, and two seniors; many of whom have never played at a varsity level. Even though it was a young team, they worked together, bonded, and came a long way from that very first practice.  Coach Slaver and Coach Hudson are beyond proud of what these girls accomplished this year.  -Coach Slaver and Coach Hudson