Mr. Ellis’s and Ms. Pangburn’s Math classes hosted a Family Math night on Monday March 14th in celebration of Pi Day. High school students hosted 20 minute classroom presentations on Why Not to Gamble, Chaos Theory, The Golden Ratio, and The Math Behind Bubbles. In between sessions, people were given the opportunity to purchase food from the Junior Class and visit the Middle School Math Fair in the library. 

Middle school students ran a math fair in the high school library. The students prepared presentations on Buffon’s Needle, Tower of Hanoi, The Monty Hall Problem, The Math Behind Baking, Non-Euclidean Geometry, and The Math Behind Space Travel. 

All students that attended received a math class coupon for extra credit, along with a raffle ticket for the opportunity to pie an adult. The event was 2 hours long, and it concluded with 5 adults being pied by students.

Thank you to Mr. Prather-Homan, Mr. Covell, Ms. Pangburn, Mr. Ellis, and Mr. Hutchinson for volunteering to be pied by students. Thank you to all of the community who attended the event. A special thanks to Mr. Cornell for your help with setup/cleanup, and to Ms. Day for your work with the Junior Class to provide an opportunity for some delicious tacos. We could not have done it without the support of our entire community.

We look forward to building on this event for next year!

Mr. Ellis and Ms. Pangburn

Photos: BCSD Communications