Congratulations to Micayla Price (Grade 12) and Ethan Saunders (Grade 10) whose artwork was chosen out of 500 applicants for the Annual High School Regional Juried Exhibition, one of the most prestigious high school shows in the area! Mica’s “Hidden” is a Photoshop Digital Photograph, and Ethan’s “A Downward Smile & Xs for Eyes” is a mixed media piece with Silkscreen, Collage, Acrylic & Marker (photos attached). 
Along with over 20 other local school districts, their work will be on display at the Albany Center Gallery, in Albany, from March 22nd – April 22nd. They are open from Noon – 5 pm Tuesday through Saturday if you’re in the area and would like to check out their work on display in person!
BHS Art Educators Mrs. Colbert and Ms. DeCelle are so proud of all of the applicants we entered into this year’s exhibition. This is the first year that Berlin has been a part of this opportunity and we’re looking forward to next year! Congratulations again, Mica & Ethan! We’re so proud of your hard work.

(Artwork by Ethan Saunders)

(Artwork by Micayla Price)