On January 22nd, the Berlin Middle School Future City team attended the virtual ceremony for the Capital District Future City Competition. Our team brought home two awards this year; one for Best Green Design Model and the other for Best Use of Innovation in Transportation. Our team got to work back in October and was able to compete in all of the areas of the event including writing an essay, building a model and a Q&A session with local engineers, project managers and construction companies. This year’s project was to build a waste free city incorporating a circular economy. The team learned about teamwork, alternative energy, city design, circular economy and engineering in the process of completing their project. Congratulations to Aiden Gates, Kyle Gryn, Summer Levin, Mary Perkins, Markell Popov, and Sydney Ward. Berlin science teachers Mr. Scannell and Mrs. Hayes advised the team with the help of Mr. Hayes, a project manager from W.J. Keller Construction.
-Advisor Mrs. Hayes
Photos: Mrs. Hammersmith
Way to go Mountaineers!!