BCSD introduced a monthly highlight on its teachers and staff last school year. This is a monthly feature that highlights staff from each school building and new this year a non-instructional district staff member. Get to know a little more about January’s featured staff members Ms. Deanna Baker, Ms. Jennifer Bushway, Ms. Adeline Kelly, Ms. Nancy Kabir, Ms. Toni Dolan and Ms. Andrea Kozel.

BCSD will quote the featured staffs’ responses to a light-hearted questionnaire. This is an opportunity for the staff at BCSD to share more about themselves as well as offer some advice from their perspective.

Ms. Deanna Baker

Berlin Elementary School

Kindergarten Teacher

1. What is your favorite memory from school?  

I remember some of the projects that we participated in. In second grade I researched elephants and that is where my love of elephants began. I remember I did a project where I “interviewed” Abe Lincoln to learn more about his efforts in freeing slaves and his presidency.

2. What would the students be surprised to find out about you? What is one of your hidden talents? 

I do not have any. I enjoy cooking, baking and entertaining. I love Family Dinners on Sunday.

3. What makes a ‘good day’ at school? 

A ‘good day’ at school is any day that I get a chance to spend time with my students both present and past.

4. What kinds of questions do you suggest that I ask my child(ren) on a daily basis after a day at school? 

Great questions to ask your kids:

  • What was your favorite part of your day?
  • Did you talk to or play with anyone new today?


5. What are the best resources that we should consider using to support our child in the classroom?

Love- children need love and to know that they are safe. Creating an environment that is full of love and safety is very important.

6. If you could take the students on a field trip to anywhere in the world, where would you take them?  

I would take them to Africa. We could watch animals, especially elephants from our window as we learn from our tables. We could roam the Savanna and experience the different cultures of Africa.

7. What is your “trapped on a desert island” book?  

I love the Great Gatsby but also love the book, My Father’s Dragon.


Ms. Jennifer Bushway

Berlin Elementary School

Teaching Assistant

1. What is your favorite memory from school?  

I loved playing soccer, I played TVSC when I was younger until I was able to play for the school.

2. What would the students be surprised to find out about you? What is one of your hidden talents? 

I enjoy doing crafts when I have the opportunity.

3. What makes a ‘good day’ at school? 

A good day at school in my eyes consists of making sure the kids had fun and learned something new!

4. What kinds of questions do you suggest that I ask my child(ren) on a daily basis after a day at school? 

I always ask my son, how was his day? How was lunch/recess? What was one thing you learned? I make sure he knows that I enjoy hearing about his day, no matter if it is good or bad.

5. What are the best resources that we should consider using to support our child in the classroom?

Building relationships with your students, letting them know you are here to help. I also believe that social emotional skill building is important. Helping students make good choices, manage emotion, learn empathy all while being engaged.

6. If you could take the students on a field trip to anywhere in the world, where would you take them?  

I would take them to the ocean, it’s one of my favorite places.  Always so much to see and learn. We saw dolphins swimming close to shore when we visited the Outer Banks over the summer and it was so cool.

7. What is your “trapped on a desert island” book?  

I love to read books by Nicolas Sparks.


Ms. Toni Dolan

Berlin Elementary School

Senior Typist

1. What is your favorite memory from school?  

Walking to and from school -home for lunch. I loved walking with kids in the neighborhood. I have friends to this day from school.

2. What would the students be surprised to find out about you? What is one of your hidden talents? 

No surprises – I am a people person and love to listen to outdoor music during the summer. My hidden talent would be cooking which I love to do for my family.

3. What makes a ‘good day’ in the school building for you? 

When everyone who is absent is covered. Standing in the hallway and enjoying the students arriving at school in the morning. Interacting with the 5th graders when they are doing the morning announcements.

4. What kinds of questions do you suggest that I ask my child(ren) on a daily basis after a day at school? 

I would wait for my children to come home and have a snack and tackle their homework. We would talk about their day at dinner. What was happening at school? Did you have a good day? Learn something new? How was recess?

5. What are the best resources that we should consider using to support our child in the classroom?  

Technology with supervision. Always incorporate music in their lives. It is a great background noise. Read – always encourage reading. Enjoy bedtime books.

6. If you could take the students on a field trip to anywhere in the world, where would you take them?  

I have always wanted to go to Ireland. I would enjoy traveling with a group of students. Also, the ocean is my favorite place to visit and I think all kids should enjoy time at the seashore.

7. What is your “trapped on a desert island” book?  

I loved reading the The Thorn Birds by Colleen McCullough. I always enjoy reading a Nicholas Sparks book too.


Ms. Nancy Kabir

Berlin High School

BMHS English Language Arts Teacher

1. What is your favorite memory from school?  

I have many wonderful memories from my time here at this school. I will share one of my favorites. Many years ago when I was teaching English 12, there was a day when many of my students were out for a field trip, so I decided to change my scheduled plans and spontaneously take the remaining students outside for a writing exercise. We sat spaced out beneath a copse of pine trees on a soft bed of pine needles. There were only two rules: They must remain completely quiet while navigating this short journey of self-reflection and contemplation; and they must continually write in any way that felt true to them. The weather was perfect and the climate of the class was calm and peaceful. The students basked in the reprieve from a structured stodgy classroom as they sat back and relaxed in nature’s verdant amphitheater right outside our school. Every student was quiet and every student wrote in a meaningful way, and although there was complete silence other than the sounds of nature, I felt that we all felt more connected with our own thoughts and feelings and with each other. And some very meaningful writing came out of the experience.

2. What would the students be surprised to find out about you? What is one of your hidden talents? 

I guess they would be most surprised to find out that this graying, strict, slightly old-fashioned lady is very fun-loving and kind of crazy in a good way. I knit and crochet, bike and hike, and travel. I’ve done everything from hanging out at the world’s biggest motorcycle rally in Sturgis, SD to walking over 80 miles across the highlands of Scotland with colleagues and the foothills of the Himalayan Mountains in Nepal with former students. I have seen the fjords of Norway and jumped off waterfalls in Bali. I’m very extroverted and all about having diverse life experiences and sharing those experiences with loved ones and strangers alike. You’re never too old to learn something new and try something different.

3. What makes a ‘good day’ at school? 

It’s a good day when students and adults alike choose to gift each other with genuine kindness and mutual respect.

4. What kinds of questions do you suggest that I ask my child(ren) on a daily basis after a day at school? 

How was your day? But really act like the answer is important enough to sit down with no TV or cell phone, look them in the eye, and listen to the answer. And then ask questions to dig deeper and understand their thoughts and feelings.  

5. What are the best resources that we should consider using to support our child in the classroom?

Look on a daily basis on Schoology to see how they are doing. Stay connected to their teachers, come to school functions, ask them what they’re learning about.

6. If you could take the students on a field trip to anywhere in the world, where would you take them?  

I would start right here in our own country. I think a summer journey across the country would be spectacular.

7. What is your “trapped on a desert island” book?  

Only one? That’s hard to choose. If I were really trapped, I would want it to be long and have complex layers of meaning. Something I could keep rereading and still get something new out of it. Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver, The Help by Kathryn Stockett and Kristin Lavransdatter by Sigrid Undset.


Ms. Adeline Kelly

Berlin High School

Science Teacher

1. What is your favorite memory from school?  

Last year I held a regents review competition for my class and the winning team was given the chance to throw a pie in my face. The happiness and excitement on my students’ faces was so memorable. They did not throw that pie lightly…

2. What would the students be surprised to find out about you? What is one of your hidden talents? 

One thing that the students would be surprised to learn about me is that I took quite a few art classes in college. I love painting!

3. What makes a ‘good day’ at school? 

It’s a good day at school when the kids in my class are laughing and smiling. 🙂

4. What kinds of questions do you suggest that I ask my child(ren) on a daily basis after a day at school? 

I believe that any question you ask that sparks meaningful and purposeful conversation with your child is beneficial. It could be questions like “Did you have fun today?” or “What was one positive and one negative moment of the day?”

5. What are the best resources that we should consider using to support our child in the classroom?

The best resource you could provide to your children is hands-on experience in any field that they are interested in. Whether it’s a volunteer service, trade, sport, hobby, you name it. This engagement will cause your child to find that spark and inspiration they need to get excited about a future career one day.

6. If you could take the students on a field trip to anywhere in the world, where would you take them?  

If I could take my students on a field trip anywhere in the world, I would take them to the Amazon Rainforest. I would want my students to see the incredible biodiversity and natural beauty this rainforest has to offer.

7. What is your “trapped on a desert island” book?  

I would re-read The Giver or Lord of the Flies.


Ms. Andrea Kozel

Berlin Middle High School

Teacher Assistant

1. What is your favorite memory from school?  

I would have to say playing soccer and softball on the school teams. We had so much fun and even made it to sectionals a few times.

2. What would the students be surprised to find out about you? What is one of your hidden talents? 

I love dirt car racing. My family has a dirt car and we race almost every weekend at Lebanon Valley Speedway. I watch all kinds of car racing on television. I also have a really good green thumb.

3. What makes a ‘good day’ at school? 

I find that if I have helped someone with their work or understand the material we are learning, that would make a good day!

4. What kinds of questions do you suggest that I ask my child(ren) on a daily basis after a day at school? 

When I ask my son about his school day, I ask about every class. I always say what did you do in ……..? I like to break down the day and not ask as a whole. I don’t want the answer to be ‘nothing’ because I know you did something.

5. What are the best resources that we should consider using to support our child in the classroom?

I think time is a good resource in the classroom. I feel like sometimes children are rushed through their learning, a few extra minutes may allow them to complete assignments in the class. I also think the teachers staying after and taking extra time is a great resource for the children. The teachers are giving up their time to continue to help the children succeed.

6. If you could take the students on a field trip to anywhere in the world, where would you take them?  

I would take them to Venice, Italy. I went there on an exchange trip when I was in 8th grade. I would love the students to have the opportunity of learning about the different cultures and jobs that they do in the different island areas. When I went I learned a lot about glass blowing. It was amazing to see the work that they do.

7. What is your “trapped on a desert island” book?  

I don’t think I could take one book. It would have to be a series. I would take the Harry Potter series with me. I can read them over and over.