Please find a letter below from Board of Education President, Mr. Frank Zwack regarding this past week’s Board of Education meeting and the budget development process going forward.
March 23, 2024
Dear Members of the Berlin CSD School Community,
The Board of Education of the Berlin Central School District has heard, and is responding to the concerns raised by members of our school community at the meeting on March 19, 2024.
First, and importantly, the recent audit report found no missing District funds — one check was misplaced and has since been replaced. There are no missing District monies.
Second, the Board is conducting a thorough, line by line review of all budget expenses and revenue sources — which, when completed will be shared with the public.
Third, the Board budget committee, which includes the interim Superintendent of Schools and the interim School Business Official, is developing a new draft budget that will be presented at our next meeting on April 4, 2024.
Fourth, as the new draft budget is developed, all proposals, including proposed layoffs, will be revisited.
Lastly, the Board is committed to preserving a quality educational program for our students — which we are all proud of — and will be moving forward in an open and transparent manner, and we welcome continued constructive public comment.
Frank Zwack, President