Kindergartners in Mrs. Hooks and Mrs. Wilson’s class are in the middle of a four week unit called, In the USA. Last week, the students learned about United States geography. The kindergartners were amazed by the pictures they were seeing of the Grand Canyon. This prompted an idea…let’s take a virtual field trip to the Grand Canyon! The kindergartners were able to use BES librarian Ms. Mitchell’s set of Virtual Reality headset for their trip.
The Mountaineers have also been reading about American traditions, specifically focused on baseball. So, they took another virtual trip to Fenway Park to check out a baseball stadium. They also were able to explore other sports arenas and stadiums around the country using the VR headsets.
In the coming weeks, the kindergarteners will be learning about presidents, landmarks, and United States symbols. They have plans to “visit” some amazing monuments. The VR headsets make these readings into wonderfully immersive lessons. -Mrs. Wilson
photos: Mrs. Wilson