Athletic Transportation Information


Welcome to BNL Fall Athletics! We wanted to take a second to explain the ins and outs of Athletic Transportation with the merged sports program. If you have any questions after reviewing this information please contact New Lebanon’s Athletic Director – Corey Brown or Berlin’s Athletic Director – Jason McFall

  • The Athletic Shuttle is one of the most important assets to the BNL Family. Without the shuttle we would have no athletic programs. Please make sure your student-athlete understands the importance in respecting the drivers, buses, and rules listed below.
  • The shuttle will run on the schedule provided. We ask you to please be understanding if the shuttle is 5 to 10 minutes late. This is a complex venture that includes the cooperation of two different district’s transportation, athletic, and administrative departments so hiccups do happen. You will be informed if the shuttle is not running on a specific day or if something major throws off the schedule via FamilyID and/or district postings.
  • We adhere to a strict two strike policy when it comes to behavioral issues on the shuttle or away bus. After one warning, a student-athlete can be removed from athletic transportation. This will result in personal transportation or removal from the team. Athletics are not mandated; they are a positive bonus. 
  • On days when one school or both schools do not have instructional time the shuttle will not run. Modified or JV practice will most likely be canceled but you will be notified.
  • New Lebanon does not have a late bus after 3:10. Student-Athletes must be picked up from the JR/SR High School when the shuttle arrives at 5:00. Berlin student-athletes will have a late bus at 4:45. Athletes can also be picked up directly from practice.
  • Students must be picked up from both schools after away contests. The bus will stop at both locations. Please make sure you are in contact with the coach so you know when the bus will arrive at each respective school. Student-Athletes are allowed to ride home from contests with their parents/guardian, but they must sign out with the coach.
  • Questar Students: Please contact your Coach & AD for information on transportation.



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