Mr. Toole, Mr. Viner, and Mr. Gould took their classes to the USS Slater and the NYS Museum in Albany on Friday October 7th. While on the USS Slater our students were praised for their good behavior and positive energy. They asked a lot of questions and were curious about the history of this wonderful artifact. Mr. Gould teaches 10th grade Global History and a WWII elective and having the students be able to be on a ship from that era was very interesting and will benefit the students while learning about that time period. Then we took a quick bus trip up the road to the NYS State Museum, where Mr. Toole took his Earth Science students and Mr. Viner took his U.S. History Examining Conflict students around to certain exhibits pertaining to what they were instructing in class. Focusing on Natural History and the 9/11 exhibit.
On the way back a lot of positive discussions happened on the buses about what they saw and what they did that day. – Mr. Gould
Photos Submitted by Mr. Gould