The BNL Varsity  Baseball team hosted Greenwich for their Senior Night game on May 11th. Find Coach Bonacquisti’s game recap and Senior Highlights below.
Final 17-1 Greenwich-BNL
Charlie Bingham 3 for 4 with 2 doubles
Dylan Saviano 1 for 1 with a double
Jesse Kuzmich 4 for 5 with a triple and grand slam
Ryan I 4 for 5 with 3 singles and a homerun



Coach’s Senior Highlights:

“I would first like to start by thanking all the team’s parents for their support,” Coach Bonacquisti.

“We have eight graduating seniors from this year’s team. Each of these seniors define what it means to be great teammates and positive role models for our program. All of our seniors can be described in some way as being  leaders of the team.”


Danny Hunt: 

Danny can be described as being trustworthy. He makes the hard plays look easy and the easy plays easier. He consistently brings his best to each and every at bat, inning, and game. He was named one of our captains because of his leadership, not only by his words, but by his play. He never questions anything we as coaches ask of him. He always has a positive attitude and never backs away from a challenge. We have never heard a complaint out of him for anything. Danny embodies the true meaning of a captain of a baseball team. He will do great things with anything he touches or is a part of after graduating.


Wyatt Powers:

Wyatt can be described as always willing to do anything for the team. If we ask him to play a different position, he will not hesitate to play wherever and play it well. He was named one of our team captains because he is willing to help out his teammates and team any time the coaches asked. It is rare to look at Wyatt and not see him smiling. Wyatt has one of the best dispositions I have ever seen a student athlete have about any aspect of school, sports or life in general. He does not know the meaning of giving up. Wyatt also is the embodiment of what it means to be a team captain. When Wyatt decides what he wants out of life he will be a force to be reckoned with. He will also bring so much joy and light to anyone in his life.


Patrick Root:

Patrick can be described as caring. He is truly an excellent teammate and really wants the best for all his teammates. He is extremely helpful to the coaching staff and other players. He absolutely gives us his very best all the time. Patrick had a lot of competition in his graduating class and may not have gotten as much playing time as he would have liked, but he was always still a vital member of our team. Patrick did a great job taking care of the logistics for us and will continue to be a valuable member of this community. His family and friends should consider themselves lucky to have him be a part of their lives.


Matt Corsey:

Matt can be described as charismatic and loving the game/life. He will have fun no matter what the score is or where he is playing.  He will always root for his teammates no matter the situation. We are often told from other coaches and opposing players that “our first baseman is a riot.” Matt plays the game the way it is meant to be played: play for the fun of the game. Matt always does his best and is our go to man when anyone needs a pick-me-up. Matt has never said a mean or unkind word to anyone that I have ever heard. He is so eager to play and wants to get better every single day. Matt will continue to bring joy and smiles to anyone who is lucky enough to let them into their lives.


Ben Chaput:

Ben can be described as the team pontificator. As anyone who knows him could attest to, he has very strong opinions and is not afraid to share them. He has the strongest arm on our team and did a fantastic job covering the right side of our outfield. He also was someone we could always count on to put a bat on the ball. Ben is a very intelligent man and will prosper in any and all fields he chooses to pursue in his adulthood. 


Forest Chaput:

Forest can be described as the team’s quiet calm. Nothing seems to rattle him. He is calm, cool, and collected when things are stressful. We can depend on Forest to be helpful to his teammates and he is very coachable. He will take what you give him and apply in order to be successful. He will also share his thoughts on what he believes could make things better. He is a very intelligent young man and will succeed with anything he chooses to partake in.


Kevin Chittenden:

Kevin can be described as always being dedicated to the team aka Mr Dependable. He may have not been named a captain but he truly is our unquestioned leader. He is a coach on the field with the pitching staff and is a brick wall behind home plate. Kevin never once complained and is always willing to share his baseball knowledge with the younger kids. Kevin has a great baseball IQ and honestly, picked up on and observed things that I missed at times. Kevin was always the first one to show to practice and usually the last one to leave. He even was the only one to show up at 9:00 to help get the field ready for an 11:00 Saturday game. Kevin will be sorely missed in BNL baseball and the community for that matter. He always gives his best and will achieve anything he puts his mind to, I have no doubt about that.


Charlie Bingham:

Charlie can be described as our gamer. He wants the ball or to be up at bat in big time situations. Nothing seems to phase him. He will make a play or not and not dwell on it. He will pick up his teammates when they need it. His humor really makes the tough situations that do not go our way easier to manage because you know he will always have a bright outlook on things. We are proud of him for being on time, especially for the early games on Saturdays. But even more proud of his fun loving attitude which will serve him well after he graduates.  If Charlie is into it, you know he’s going to give it his all. Not only was he our ace this year he also made the hot corner look easy at times. Two of the toughest positions on the field and he excelled at both of them.