On April 13th, Berlin Senior Bailey Catlin hit a milestone of 500 strikeouts!! This has never been achieved in the history of Berlin Softball. Bailey’s coaches, teammates, family and the BNL Athletics community are extremely proud of her. 

Before the break BNL Varsity Softball Coaches Paul Slaver and Candace Hudson along with the BNL Varsity Softball team, family, friends and BNL staff surprised Bailey during practice with a celebration to honor her achievement.
“I have coached Bailey as a Varsity Softball player since she was a little 7th grader and now she is a senior,” said Coach Slaver. 

“The work ethic of this girl is awesome, she is always going above and beyond. It started for her with great parents who brought her to games, workouts and pitching clinics. I would like to give them a great big thanks!”

“Bailey will surely be missed and I wish her all the luck in the future. Saint Rose is getting a gem and lucky to have her,” concluded Coach Slaver.

The season is not over so catch Bailey and her awesome BNL Varsity Softball team out on the field this spring. For the full game schedule got to https://wasarenleague.org/public/genie/775/school/210/

Go BNL!!!