BCSD is excited to shine a light on its wonderful and dedicated staff and teachers each month. Get to know a little more about last month’s featured staff members Ms. Heidi Colin, Mr. Justin Covell, Ms. Christina Bauer, Mr. Bill Bourquard, Ms. Laura Hunt and Mr. William Prather-Homan.

BCSD will quote the featured staffs’ responses to a light-hearted questionnaire. This is an opportunity for the staff at BCSD to share more about themselves as well as offer some advice from their perspective.



Ms. Heidi Colin 

Berlin Central School District

Cook/Kitchen Manager

1. What is your favorite memory from school?  

My senior trip to Toronto. The sight seeing and the freedom we were given as teenagers to explore the city and spend time with friends.

2. What would the students be surprised to find out about you? What is one of your hidden talents? 

I have vast amounts of information about WWII Jeeps and I owned a car rental and swimming pool maintenance company when I lived in Vegas.

3. What makes a ‘good day’ at school? 

Pizza day hahaha…  when the kids like what I cook and they try new things.

4. If you could take the students on a field trip to anywhere in the world, where would you take them?  

Haiti to learn the value of all we have here in the US that we take for granted.  And the food is amazing.  My second place would be Australia because I want to go there. It’s on my bucket list. 🙂

5. What is your “trapped on a desert island” book(s)?  

Before We Were Yours by Lisa Wingate

The Help by Katheryn Stockett

Bible  by God




Mr. Justin Covell

Berlin Middle High School

Social Studies Teacher

1. What is your favorite memory from school?  

My favorite memories from school are baseball and staying after school with my teachers. (There are too many to mention!) One memory that comes to mind was when I was in Grafton Elementary and the whole school participated in a field day. Mr. Glover and Mr. Schmich did so much for us those days and I know we all appreciated it! 

2. What would the students be surprised to find out about you? What is one of your hidden talents? 

Students would be surprised that I read a lot. Whether it is a book or a sports magazine, I try to occupy my free time with reading. Also, I play video games! 

3. What makes a ‘good day’ at school? 

A good day at school is having all of my students in class and seeing all of my co-workers! Seeing students interact and collaborate in class about social studies is the highlight of my day! Being able to connect historical events to modern times and seeing that light bulb moment when students make a connection brightens my day. 

4. What kinds of questions do you suggest that I ask my child(ren) on a daily basis after a day at school? 

More than just how was your day. Try to ask specific questions about each subject. Ask them how you can help them with schoolwork or if they just need to talk. 

5. What are the best resources that we should consider using to support our child in the classroom?

The best resource you can use to support your child in the classroom is time away from social media and cell phones. Simple things like completing a puzzle, or playing a board game will be very beneficial. Having a thoughtful discussion about current events can help out immensely in the classroom and in US History class. 🙂  

6. If you could take the students on a field trip to anywhere in the world, where would you take them?  

I would love to take my students on a field trip to Washington DC. Being able to explore the nation’s capital and see all the amazing historical landmarks would be my dream field trip. 

7. What is your “trapped on a desert island” book?  

The Game of Thrones series. I’m on my second read through of the series and it gets better every time I flip to the next page.




Ms. Christina Bauer

Berlin High School

English Teacher & School Within a School

1. What is your favorite memory from school?  

Although I was a good student, my favorite school memories are the silliness and shenanigans my friends and I would get into and the pranks we would play on one another. My best friends are still the people that I met in elementary school.

2. What would the students be surprised to find out about you? What is one of your hidden talents? 

I can ride a unicycle, although that’s public knowledge from a character education video. Before I had children, I played unicycle hockey every Friday with the Chatham Unicycle Club.

3. What makes a ‘good day’ in the school building for you? 

A good day at school happens when you see a student grow and overcome something that’s been holding them back, whether that thing is academic or personal.

4. What kinds of questions do you suggest that I ask my child(ren) on a daily basis after a day at school? 

I think offering a genuine “How was your day?” and taking the time to listen to the answer are the best ways to support children on a daily basis.

5. What are the best resources that we should consider using to support our child in the classroom?  

You are the best resource for your child, whether you give encouragement, help with school work, or just have everyday conversations about your day, what’s going on in your world, or your favorite books and movies, etc. Kids retain knowledge from some of the most unexpected places, and that knowledge ends up helping them in school and in life.

6. If you could take the students on a field trip to anywhere in the world, where would you take them?  

I would take them to ride the New York City Subway. On the Subway, you are in an enclosed space with strangers from all different walks of life, and you get used to being around different people. You step outside of your comfort zone.

7. What is your “trapped on a desert island” book?  

The Stand by Stephen King— it’s long and dense (I’d have a lot of time), but juicy, and it’s ultimately about survival.




Mr. Bill Bourquard

Berlin Elementary School

Third Grade Teacher

1. What is your favorite memory from school?  

My favorite memory from school is playing in the school band. I was a clarinet/saxophone player.  

2. What would the students be surprised to find out about you? What is one of your hidden talents? 

I think students would be surprised to know that I climbed a glacier!  One of my hidden talents are my many gardens that I have at my home.  I think I have a “green thumb”.

3. What makes a ‘good day’ at school? 

A good day at school is when all the children are here!!  It makes our “family” complete.  I also enjoy seeing my co-teacher Vivian Healy!  She always makes me smile.

4. What kinds of questions do you suggest that I ask my child(ren) on a daily basis after a day at school? 

I would ask them what did you learn today in school? (If they say nothing, LOL, I would take a different route.) What was one good thing that happened in school today?

5. What are the best resources that we should consider using to support our child in the classroom?

IXL is a wonderful program that the district bought for the children. It reinforces math and ELA. Prodigy is another great program that can be utilized outside of school. It reinforces math concepts. We are VERY fortunate that all children at BES have access to a Chromebook.

6. If you could take the students on a field trip to anywhere in the world, where would you take them?  

Hmmmm. . . that’s a hard one. I would take them to Iceland. I went a few years ago and I got to see volcanoes and glaciers!

7. What is your “trapped on a desert island” book?  

Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens. It takes place in North Carolina and deals with a young girl growing up under difficult circumstances.


Ms. Laura Hunt

Berlin Elementary School

Teacher Assistant

1. What is your favorite memory from school?  

Since I graduated from Berlin and coached for many years, before having my own children, my favorite memories come from sports. So, many of my own favorite memories came from playing sports and I made many great memories with past students while coaching.

2. What would the students be surprised to find out about you? What is one of your hidden talents? 

Most students would be surprised to know I graduated from Berlin with an $11,000 athletic scholarship to play soccer, and that I have my masters degree in Educational Administration. Both of these facts have surprised many people. One of my hidden talents is baking when I have the time. I actually find it relaxing.

3. What makes a ‘good day’ at school? 

Honestly, I’ve been working within the Berlin School District for 14 years now (19 years in educational settings) and one of the things that always gets me, even to this day, is when a student finally understands something. Whether it is a life lesson, or classroom lesson but the face they make when they finally get it and you know you finally reached them. That’s my perfect or good day.

4. What kinds of questions do you suggest that I ask my child(ren) on a daily basis after a day at school? 

Usually, I ask my own children what was one good thing about their day, and then one not so good thing. That way we hit the good and not so good. I found if I asked how was your day? I’d get one word answers. Where if I ask “hey, what’s one good thing that happened today?” It actually starts a conversation.

5. What are the best resources that we should consider using to support our child in the classroom?

The best resource is you. Just being there for our children and each other. Working together and making sure that your children know that school is important. Yes, schedules get crazy with sports, and other outside school activities, but make sure you are making the effort to show interest in their school life. It’s not always easy to balance it all but them just knowing you are there to support them is a big piece of the puzzle.

6. If you could take the students on a field trip to anywhere in the world, where would you take them?  

I would probably pick somewhere local like Hancock Shaker Village. It has an educational component, but it also has animals. It has a little bit of everything for everyone. I think we have a lot of great places locally that sometimes get overlooked.

7. What is your “trapped on a desert island” book?  

This is actually a hard question to answer. My reading varies so much. I just finished Trail of Secrets by Eileen Goudge. I also don’t mind jumping into a good science article about anything.





Mr. William Prather-Homan

Berlin Middle High School


1. What is your favorite memory from school?  

My favorite memories from school are all the high school plays I was able to be a part of. It was just a great atmosphere and run by the most loving people.

2. What would the students be surprised to find out about you? What is one of your hidden talents? 

Students would probably be surprised that I play sports and that I can sing.

3. What makes a ‘good day’ at school? 

A good day at school is when you have enough energy to get through the day, you make sure you are doing your work on time and you are being respectful to everyone.

4. What are the best resources that we should consider using to support our child in the classroom?

Just check up on them once in a while to make sure they are all caught up with their work and/or make sure they get their work done.

5. If you could take the students on a field trip to anywhere in the world, where would you take them?  

I would take them to an art museum.

6. What is your “trapped on a desert island” book?  

Doctor Sleep by Stephen King