This message was sent home via email to all BMHS families on 3/23/22

Dear Berlin Middle High School parents,

Today, March 23, at Berlin Middle High School there was a verbal altercation between two students. During this incident a student threatened another student with the use of a weapon. Following the district’s investigation of the incident and assigning consequences we also notified law enforcement of the verbal threat invoking weapons that was made.

Unfortunately, a miscommunication happened that seemed to indicate that a weapon was already present at  Berlin Middle High School. This is completely False. At no time was there any weapon present at the BMHS or in the possession of any of our students. There was also not any physical altercation between our students.

To the extent that verbal threats were made, the students have been assigned consequences in accordance with the Code of Conduct.

We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.


Kimberly J. Brownell

MS/HS Principal
Phone: (518) 658-1500