Eight “Engineering Ambassadors” from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) spent last Friday, February 18, bringing engineering to life for enthusiastic students at Berlin Middle High School.

RPI Engineering Ambassadors are students who participate in a work-study K-12th grade outreach program, traveling to local high schools. The Ambassadors set out to inspire students by engaging them in the various engineering disciplines, using hands-on labs related to their fields of study.

See a video about the mission of the Engineering Ambassadors here: https://youtu.be/GsfNH7FiHvc

The RPI Engineering Ambassadors and their fields of study were: Cameron Smith, Aerospace Engineering; Lily Murphy, Biomedical/Chemical Engineering; Sonu Chadalavada, Aeronautical Engineering; Matthew Chen, Mechanical Engineering; Luke Schimmel, Mechanical Engineering/Design Innovation and Society Engineering; Lehan Nguyen, Civil Engineering; Bella Rocha, Mechanical Engineering/Design Innovation and Society; and Jake Bugiera, Chemical Engineering.

All of the middle and high school science classes and the middle school technology classes were able to participate in hands-on activities throughout the day, including: water filtration, design of targeted medication delivery, chemical engineering and drag/aerodynamic force.

For over ten years, Berlin Middle High School has been participating in RPI’s Ambassador Program, which continues to impress and inspire many Mountaineers. The Ambassadors also take time after their presentations and hands-on learning labs to discuss how they found their passion for engineering and what it is like to be a college student. 

Thank you to RPI Ambassadors’ program director, Ms. Elizabeth Herkenham, and BMHS’s Mrs. Amanda Hayes for making this opportunity possible again this year.

The Berlin Mountaineers took advantage of this great opportunity, with insightful questions and enthusiasm.

Way to go Berlin Mountaineers and RPI Engineering Ambassadors the future is brighter because of you!