BNL Varsity Boys Basketball won its first game of the season vs Cambridge last night!  On Senior Night BNL was led by Chris Shorter with 14 points, Peyton Labonte with 12 points, Jesse Francouer with 11 points, and Mason Stalker with 10 points. BNL put 7 players in the scoring column including senior Patrick Root’s first varsity point.

Cambridge was led by Dillion Hughes with 13 and Isacc Toleman with 12 points a piece.

BNL Boys Varsity Basketball’s next game is Monday, January 31st at home (BMHS) vs Heatly at 6:30 pm streaming on the Streaming BCSD channel

Catch a replay of last night’s game here

-Coaches Bonacquisti, McSween and Erickson

Macayla Roberts
Congratulations to Cheer Senior Macayla Roberts. Macayla has been a dedicated cheer captain and leader for coaches Ms. Jordan and Mrs. Meyers and will be greatly missed next year.

Coach Bonacquisti on this year’s Seniors:

Patrick Root
As a player: Patrick always works and wants to improve. His effort and hustle are amazing to watch and do not go unnoticed. Coaches on the other teams have noticed just how hard he works and does not give up. He is always willing to help out the coaches either at practice or during the game. As a teammate: He is very supportive and hardworking. He truly cares about the team and is always checking on everyone.

Matt Corsey
As a player: Matt never leaves the court without a smile on his face. He is the glue that keeps this team together. Never once, will Matt go on the court and not give his absolute best.There is no quit in him. Matt is truly one of the most dedicated players on the team.  As a teammate: He is very hard working and will dive on the floor for any loose ball. He brings humor and his fun-natured spirit to our team. Even the opposing fans love him.

Petyon Labonte
As a player: Peyton is our team’s unquestioned leader. He is always building his teammates and the coaching staff up with his positive attitude and work ethic. He will always give you his very best each and every game. He showed a strong character when he stepped up and joined our team during the early part of the season. As a teammate: Affectionately known as PJ Dog, Peyton holds his teammates accountable and tries to make each and every one of them better. He wants the best for his teammates. He also has the best hair on the team, maybe in the league.

Matt Hart
As a player: Matt is the heart and drive of the team. He motivates our team to excel and be better with his positive attitude and helpful nature. Always willing to go above and beyond for whatever his teammate needs. He is like a coach on the floor. As a teammate: Matt will always look on the bright side for his teammates. He inspires everyone to try and be better without being negative. Always encouraging. He always brings his charming, sweet talking personality to the floor.


photos: BCSD Communications