After no league play last year, the BNL girls’ Varsity basketball team took to the court in their first game of the season. The starters came out strong in the first quarter and dropped buckets in every quarter. McKenzie Krause played an outstanding offensive game for a total of 15 points. Nora Colin, Sammy Rokjer, Riley Robertson, and Becca Madsen were all able to add another 15 points giving BNL a total of 30. It wasn’t going to be enough as a strong Tamarac squad came up with 67 points. It was a good first game by all that got on the court and we’re looking forward to getting everyone out there! Our next game is Friday when we travel to Hoosic Valley.

The girls’ basketball program is looking for a few more players to round out a JV squad. If you’re interested, please speak with Ms. Day or Ms. Noel ASAP so we can get you started. Today’s practice is at WBH from 3:30-5:30. You will need a ride home from the MS/HS at 5:45.

– Coach Day and Coach Noel