Thank you BNL Booster Booster Club for streaming tonight’s 11/30/21 BNL Varsity Basketball Game on the BNL Booster Club Facebook Page


FAQs Regarding BNL Winter Sports Spectators

How many spectator passes per athlete?

Each athlete is being given two passes for home and two passes for away contests.

I’ve heard that school XYZ is allowing more spectators and going with capacity instead.

A  All schools in the Wasaren are using the pass system.  Some larger schools may be able to offer additional seating based on their capacity, as it would be greater than that of BNL.

Q  We have a larger family, can’t we all go?

A  At this time, we are limited to two passes per athlete.

Once I have a pass, may I attend any sporting event?

A  Passes are only good for the team tied to that pass.  We are good with some overlap between JV/V basketball games of the same gender.

Q  Will the games be streamed?

A  Any games that will be streamed will be posted in the usual locations.  We are working on getting a permanent streaming system in place.  For now, we will do the best we can.

Q  Do we have to wear masks?

A  Yes, everyone involved in the event, including athletes and spectators needs to wear a mask properly or risk not being able to attend future events.

What if we are vaccinated?

Vaccination status does not affect spectators.

Q  What about bowling spectators?

Spectator capacity is up to the particular bowling alley.