2025–26 Pre-K & Kindergarten Registration Is Underway
The Berlin Central School District is in the process of registering students for the 2025-2026 Pre-K and Kindergarten classes. Please find more information here.
The Berlin Central School District is in the process of registering students for the 2025-2026 Pre-K and Kindergarten classes. Please find more information here.
The Berlin MS/HS Dramateers are excited to present the smart and funny play BIG BAD! Was the Big Bad Wolf really that bad? Can the Evil Stepmother convince a jury that he was not guilty of the crimes he had been accused of? Come on out and help decide the fate of the Big Bad Wolf!
Today is the 15th annual World Read Aloud Day, a day dedicated not just to reading, but to the art and practice of reading aloud. This celebration is also a time to reflect on the importance of literacy and sharing stories. Read on here.
The Berlin High School Science Olympiad team competed twice in the last month. Once at the Columbia High School Invitational and the Capital Region Science Olympiad at Ballston Spa High School. Read on here.
Berlin Middle School Mountaineers SAVE THE DATE! Middle School Semi Formal February 28th, 6:00 pm- 8:30 pm. More details on the flyer here.
BMHS Student Council is hosting Spirit Week before we head off for the holiday break next week! Check out the flyer here for each day’s theme! Let’s see your spirit BMHS Mountaineers!
BES RED & PINK DAY, Friday, February 14, 2025. Come to school dressed head to toe in RED & PINK to celebrate Valentine’s Day!
Happy National School Counseling Week! This week, we honor the exceptional school counselors who empower Mountaineers to envision possibilities, overcome obstacles, and flourish daily. Your expert guidance, unwavering support, and genuine care profoundly impact the trajectory of young lives. Thank you for being a source of motivation and an inspiration to Berlin CSD students, helping to shape brighter futures and unlocking the full potential of every Mountaineer. Read more here.
Please find Principal Cataldo’s BES Mountaineer Monthly for February with important information and dates here!
Order a pizza for 2/28 by emailing Ms. Day kday@berlincentral.org, proceeds to benefit the student travelers of BHS. More details here.
The BNL Bowlers finished their regular season strong on Tuesday afternoon. It was senior night; the final match of the year. Congratulations and thank you to Curtis for 3 fun years on the team! Read on and see highlights here.
Please find February’s newsletter from Mr. Michael Burns, Early Learning Principal, Questar III BOCES here.
Attention all High School creatives! There is a Creative/Art Career Expo on March 19th at 6 pm at Russell Sage College in Albany. Students & parents get to speak to people who are actually in the field doing these careers. Read on here or visit Mrs. Colbert or Ms. DeCelle to learn more.
Donate canned goods to help your team win the BCSD Soup’er Bowl. Place your donation in the Team’s box at your school building you would like to see WIN!! Find out more here. All donations go to the BCSD Helping Hands!
Berlin High School Pops Concert, Wednesday, February 12th, 6:00 pm. Berlin Middle High School Auditorium. (Snow Date Thursday 2/13)
Community Active Mountaineers (CAM) is again hosting a Pull Tab Competition to benefit the Ronald McDonald House. Winners get an ice cream party and most importantly all proceeds go to support the Ronald MacDonald House! Let’s go Mountaineers!!
Come out to root on the BNL Boys Varsity Basketball team when they take on Cambridge -Salem this Friday, 2/7. Let’s Go BNL!!!
Good luck to the Berlin elementary, middle and high school students selected to be part of the Rensselaer All County 2025 Winter Music Festival! Go Mountaineers!
Booster Club Meeting Notice: Tuesday February 11, 2025, Norte Azul, Stephentown @ 5pm.
RSVP shannongardell@gmail.com
The BHS Prom Committee is excited to share Prom 2025’s Save the Date! This year’s Starry Night themed Prom will be May 30, 2025, 6 pm -10 pm at the Franklin Terrace Ballroom!
Students who attended the Questar CTE student visit should have received a student information form from Mrs. Harrison. Completing this form is an important part of the application process. Find out more here.
Next Board of Education Meetings:
Board of Education Regular Meeting, Tuesday, February 25, 2025, 7:15 pm, BMHS Auditorium
This year marks the first time a new school holiday is officially observed in New York state. This Wednesday, January 29, 2025, is Lunar New Year, also known as Chinese New Year. Berlin CSD will be CLOSED on 1/29/25 in observance of the Lunar New Year. Find more information here.
Come out to celebrate and root on the BNL 2024/2025 Senior-Athletes this season! Find the BNL Winter Senior Night dates and times here.
Please find an important message from the BCSD Health Office here.
Find BES’ January Character Counts, Merit award winners and Restorative Rock Star here.
We are expecting very cold weather to continue this week. Please make sure that your children are bundled up. The buses may be running a little later than normal, since we will be giving extra time for student pickup in the morning, due to the colder weather. Please keep this in mind for any children who may be waiting to ride the bus. Read on here.
The “Artist of the Month” award is a High School level award for our most dedicated students in The Visual Arts. These students are often the most academically successful because of great effort on their pieces and devotion to their craft. The January ARTISTS of the Month are…Isabella Ovitt and Grace Pelletier!
Attention BHS Juniors & Seniors: New scholarships are being added daily to the 2024-2025 BHS Scholarship page! Please find out more about the scholarship opportunities available on the webpage here or stop by Mrs. Harrison’s offices to find out more. This is the time of year when new scholarship opportunities are arriving daily so please keep checking the page.
New York Governor Kathy Hochul invited Berlin seniors to attend a State of the State for Future Leaders at Hudson Valley Community College. Governor Hochul called the event on Monday, January 13th, a Future Leaders Fireside Chat and discussed proposed investments in education and youth mental health. Eighteen Berlin Mountaineers were among students from seven other districts in the Capital Region invited to the event. Read on here.
Please find information and a brochure here about the STRIDE program from BCSD’s Director of Pupil Personnel Services, Mr. Olsen. STRIDE Adaptive Sports, is located in West Sand Lake and offers adapted sporting activities to children with disabilities.
Please find an important communication from Berlin CSD Superintendent Dr. Maureen Long here. This letter was also emailed home to BCSD all families on 1/9/25. If you did not receive this email please update your email contact information with your building’s main office.
BNL Athletics is HIRING Coaches for the 2025 Spring Season. Please find more information here. Contact Person: Meghan Reynolds, Athletic Director (mreynolds@berlincentral.org)
Berlin CSD provides transportation to students in our district who wish to go to private schools, within the guidelines indicated in the Berlin CSD Board of Education Policy 5720. Please fill out a separate form for each student you are requesting non-public transportation for, no later than April 1st of the prior school year you are requesting transportation for. Find more information and forms here.
Please find Principal Cataldo’s BES Mountaineer Monthly for January with important information and dates here!
Please find January’s newsletter from Mr. Michael Burns, Early Learning Principal, Questar III BOCES here.
Berlin Middle High School families you are invited to a Town Hall with Principal Bernsley. More details here.
Please find January’s menus here.
The Berlin CSD is now hiring! Come join our Mountaineer community! Please visit our employment page here.
Computer Science and Robotics teacher Mrs. Dawn Wetmore and her students Owen Lowry, Anthony deLaurentis, and Warren VonSchilgen received notice last week that their team is moving forward as a State Finalist in the National contest; where they are guaranteed $2,500.00 award in Samsung technology and now must prepare a detailed design specification document by the deadline in January for a chance to move on to the next level in the contest, State Winner. Read on here.
The “Artist of the Month” award is a High School level award for our most dedicated students in The Visual Arts. These students are often the most academically successful because of great effort on their pieces and devotion to their craft. The December Artist of the Month is sophomore Julia Schoeffel!
As we approach the winter months, we anticipate school delays and/or cancellations due to inclement weather. We will be implementing snow days and 2-hour delays as we have in years past. Please find more information here.
You can now pre-order the 2024-2025 Berlin Elementary School Yearbook. More details and order forms here.
The Community Active Mountaineers (CAM) are looking for hats, mittens, earmuffs and scarves for their gLove Tree! Donations can be dropped off at the BMHS main office. If you are in need of a hat, gloves or scarf please help yourself to items from the tree that will be on the platform across from the BMHS main office.
As part of the search for the next superintendent of the Berlin Central School District, the Board of Education is seeking the involvement of all stakeholder groups to participate in interviewing prospective candidates. If you are interested in being considered as a member of the interview committee, please complete the brief Superintendent Search Interview Committee Interest Form or reach out to District Clerk Dawn Demick 518-658-1500 ext. 1010. Find more updates on the search here.
The FAFSA is now open to all students for the 2025-26 school year. Find out what you need to know to complete the application here.
BNL Varsity and JV PRACTICES start TODAY 11/18! Modified PRACTICES start next Monday, 11/25! Practice/game schedules and more details can be found here.
Berlin Elementary is excited to announce its partnership with Healthy Kids Before & After School Program! Find out more here.
Please find the BOE approved updates to the Berlin Middle High School and Berlin Elementary School 2024-25 Code of Conduct here.