On June 8th, members from the Berlin High School Clay Target Team attended the New York State High School Trap Tournament at the Bridgeport Rod and Gun Club. Nearly 2,000 high school trap shooters from across New York State gathered in Bridgeport for the two-day tournament, making it the largest high school trap shooting event in the state. The Mountaineers ranked 30 out of the 45 schools in attendance. BHS junior Brian Stevens was the high scorer at the tournament for Berlin with 82/100.
The Berlin Clay Target Team finished 2nd in their conference this season.
BHS Senior Katie Crandall placed 2nd in the female division of the conference.
Sophomore Landon Demers placed 3rd in the conferences’ male division.
Congratulations Mountaineers!
Thank you to coaches Mrs. Hoffman and Mr. Hoffman for your dedication to the team once again this season and creating this opportunity for the Mountaineers.
Information and tournament photos courtesy of Mrs. Kim Collen