BMHS Supply Lists

Please have your student bring a refillable water bottle with their name on it to school each day.

Art Supplies Grade 6-12

PDF of Art Supply Lists

Donation of tissue boxes for the art room, if possible

 DeCelle 6th Grade no materials required
7th Grade no materials required
 DeCelle 8th Grade no materials required

Colbert Studio in Art (Grades 9-12) 8.5×11” size sketchbook (You may go larger if you’d like. If you are in multiple Colbert Art courses, you just need to purchase ONE sketchbook.)
Colbert Drawing & Painting (Grades 10-12) 8.5×11” size sketchbook (You may go larger if you’d like. If you are in multiple Colbert Art courses, you just need to purchase ONE sketchbook.)
Colbert HVCC Art History (Grades 10-12) Notebook and a 3-ring binder OR pocket folder for handouts. 
Colbert Sculpture & Ceramics (Grades 10-12) 8.5×11” size sketchbook (You may go larger if you’d like. If you are in multiple Colbert Art courses, you just need to purchase ONE sketchbook.)
Colbert Intermediate Studio (Grades 10-12) 8.5×11” size sketchbook (You may go larger if you’d like. If you are in multiple Colbert Art courses, you just need to purchase ONE sketchbook.)
 DeCelle Media Arts (Grades 10-12) small sketchbook & folder
DeCelle Yearbook notebook and folder
DeCelle HVCC Intro to Photography notebook and folder


Technology Classes 8-12 with Ms. Wetmore

PDF of Technology Class Supply List

Wetmore 8th grade computer science 2 pocket folder, loose leaf paper, pen
Wetmore 9th Grade Computer Science 2.5″ wide 3 ring binder, section dividers, loose leaf paper, pen
Wetmore Digital Electronics  2.5″ wide 3 ring binder, section dividers, loose leaf paper, pen
Wetmore Digital Design Processing DDP 3″ or wider 3 ring binder, section dividers, loose leaf paper, pencil, eraser, pen
Wetmore Materials Processing 2 pocket folder, pencil



 6th Grade

PDF of 6th Grade Supply List

(Do not buy new if you have items left over from previous years)

5 packages of pens
5 packages of pencils
1 package of colored pencils
Assortment of highlighters (1 of each green, yellow, pink, and orange if possible)
Pencil sharpener
5 packs of loose-leaf paper (college-ruled)
5 packages of 3×5 index cards
1 package of post-it notes
Black 2 pocket folder for HW
2 boxes of Kleenex for homeroom

What do I keep at home? 

  • 1 package of paper in your binder, keep the rest at home and refill as needed
  • Pencils and pens – put a few in your binder and the rest at home to refill 
  • Calculator – keep yours at home as you will have a calculator to use in math class


ELA (BLUE) 1-pocket folder – BLUE if you can

3 composition notebooks – any color

Math (GREEN) Two– 2-pocket folders GREEN (NO PRONGS) 

Dry erase marker-any color

One 1-subject COMPOSITION bound notebook

Calculator- TI-34 MultiView (Texas Instruments)

Science (RED) Four 2-pocket folders RED (one for each unit)

One 1-subject COMPOSITION, bound notebook.

(Not the wire spiral type of notebook) 

Pencils (minimum 2 boxes of 10)

Social Studies (YELLOW) 1.5 inch yellow binder 

10 dividers (any color)

1 2-pocket yellow folder for homework

Special Education 1 composition notebook, any color.

Pencils and 1 blue pen.

Visual Art Students need to bring a pencil and their Chromebook every day. All other art supplies are provided. 

  Kleenex donations

GENERAL Music  2-pocket folder  ANY COLOR. Students need to bring a pencil every day. Chromebook
Physical Education Students need a good quality three-pronged notebook with pockets, loose leaf paper and a pen or pencil and pencil sharpener.

Students must change into proper PE attire which includes sneakers, shorts and a tee shirt, an extra pair of socks, a hoodie or sweatshirt and sweatpants, yoga pants or running tights, thin cotton gloves and a hat or headband to prepare for cooler outside temperatures. 

Hygiene: students must have stick deodorant and hand sanitizer.  Optional: lotion, hair ties, brush and non-aerosol body spray.

Health (ORANGE) 1 spiral notebook ORANGE
Library 2-pocket folder ANY COLOR. Students will need to bring their Chromebooks every day.
Middle School Essentials 2-pocket folder PURPLE, Pencil 
Tech 2-pocket folder, ANY COLOR
 FACS 2-pocket folder, Writing utensil
Chorus/Band  Chorus: Any 2 pocket Folder

Band: 3 Ring Binder, Reeds, Oil, Pencil, Highlighter



7th Grade

PDF of 7th Grade Supply List

Teacher’s Last Name Content Area Supply List
Hayes Compression Science
  • 2 inch binder 
  • Pencils 
  • Pens 
  • Colored pencils 
  • Box of tissues 
Eliashuk, Gould Chorus/Band
  • Pencils 
  • (1) 3-ring binder with sheet protectors
  • Necessary supplies by instrument
  • Reeds, oil, neck strap, etc.
  • Your lovely voices
Hammond Spanish 1A & 1B
  • (1) purple pocket folder or 1” binder
  • (1) 1-subject notebook (purple)
  • Pencils and pens
  • Earbuds *needed for listening bring a cheap pair to leave in the room.
  • (5) Whiteboard markers
  • (1) Box of tissues
Meyers ELA
  • (2) pk. of pens-blue or black 
  • (1) 5-pocket expanding folder
  • (1) pack of loose leaf paper
  • (1) 5 pk. of highlighters (pink, blue, green, yellow, orange)
  • Post-it notes (lots of these!!) 
  • (1) Box of tissues
Korzec Math
  • Box of Pencils (to give Ms. Korzec) 
  • (1) 2-pocket folder
  • (1)  TI34 Multiview calculator
  • (1) Ruler
  • Pencil top erasers
  • (1) Box of tissues
Social Studies
  • (1) yellow 1-subject notebook
  • (1) yellow pocket folder with metal prongs
  • Earbuds (not exclusively for use in our class)
  • (1) Box of tissues
  • (2) composition notebooks-one for each half of the year
  • (4) folders-one for each quarter
  • pens/pencils/markers/colored pencils/glue sticks/post-it notes
  • (1) box of tissues
  • (1) pk-small paper/plastic cups
  • (4) Large Ziplock Bags
Hammersmith FACS
  • 1 Folder
  • Pens/Pencils
Berschwinger, Honsinger, Weaver Physical Education Students need a good quality three-pronged notebook with pockets, loose leaf paper and a pen or pencil and pencil sharpener.

Students must change into proper PE attire which includes sneakers, shorts and a tee shirt, an extra pair of socks, a hoodie or sweatshirt and sweatpants, yoga pants or running tights, thin cotton gloves and a hat or headband to prepare for cooler outside temperatures. 

Hygiene: students must have stick deodorant and hand sanitizer.  Optional: lotion, hair ties, brush and non-aerosol body spray.

8th Grade

PDF of 8th Grade Supply List

Teacher’s Last Name Content Area Supply List
Gatto Math 8
  • 1 – 2” Binder
  • 2 – Pocket Folders
  • 1 – Pack of Pencils 
  • 1 – Pack of Eraser Caps
  • 1 – Pack of Thin Expo Markers
  • 1 – Pair of Earbuds
Gatto Algebra
  • 1 – 2” Binder
  • 2 – Pocket Folders
  • 1 – Pack of Pencils 
  • 1 – Pack of Eraser Caps
  • 1 – Pack of Thin Expo Markers
  • 1 – Pair of Earbuds
Hayes Compression Science 7, Science 8 and Living Environment

  • 2 inch binder 
  • Pencils 
  • Pens 
  • Colored pencils 
  • Box of tissues 
Wetmore 8th grade Computer Science 2 pocket folder, loose leaf paper, pen
Covell SS 8
  • Pens/Pencils
  • 3 Ring Binder 
  • 3 Subject Notebook
Bauer English 8
  • Pens or Pencils
  • 3 Ring Binder
  • Set of highlighters including green, yellow, orange, and pink
Eliashuk General Music 2 pocket folder
Hammond Spanish
  • Purple Notebook
  • Purple Folder/Binder 
  • pencil/ pens
  • Earbuds
Family and Consumer Science
  • A 2-pocket folder
  • Writing utensil


Gould Band
  • 3 ring binder (any color)
  • plethora of pencils
  • instrument specific supplies (reeds, oil, etc.)
  • single subject notebook with pockets or a folder with a three hole punch prongs with paper
  • a small journal
  • highlighter
  • pencil
  • pen
Berschwinger, Honsinger, Weaver Physical Education
  • single subject notebook with pockets or a folder with a three hole punch prongs with paper
  • shorts and a tee shirt
  • sweatpants and a sweatshirt
  • extra socks and if possible an extra or old pair of sneakers
  • deodorant
  • hairbrush
  • hand sanitizer

9th Grade

PDF of 9th Grade Supply List

Teacher’s Last Name Content Area Supply List
Montgomery-Breh ELA 1 single subject notebook, pens/pencils, sticky notes, 2 durable folders
Cornell Math 3 ring binder (1″), pocket folder, loose leaf paper, pen/pencil
Ellis 9/10 Geometry A 3 inch, 3 ring binder, A heavy duty folder or small 3 ring binder (1 inch or less), loose leaf lined paper, loose leaf graph paper, pencils.
Eliashuk HS Chorus Pencil (Folder will be provided)
Eliashuk Musical Theatre Small binder and Writing utensil
D. Connolly Algebra pencil
D. Connolly Consumer Math charged Chromebook
Mellor Regents Living Environment  binder (1.5 or 2 inch), pens and pencils, calculator, lined paper
Bell/Christian Regents Biology
 Medium to large Binder 2.5-3″, pencils, lined paper, scientific calculator
Viner Social Studies
Hammond Spanish 1A & 1B (1)   purple pocket folder or 1” binder, earbuds, whiteboard markers (5)
Wetmore 9th Grade Computer Science  2.5″ wide 3 ring binder, section dividers, loose leaf paper, pen
Berschwinger, Honsinger, Weaver Physical Education Students need a good quality three-pronged notebook with pockets, loose leaf paper and a pen or pencil and pencil sharpener.

Students must change into proper PE attire which includes sneakers, shorts and a tee shirt, an extra pair of socks, a hoodie or sweatshirt and sweatpants, yoga pants or running tights, thin cotton gloves and a hat or headband to prepare for cooler outside temperatures. 

Hygiene: students must have stick deodorant and hand sanitizer.  Optional: lotion, hair ties, brush and non-aerosol body spray.

10th Grade

PDF of 10th Grade Supply List

Teacher’s Last Name Content Area Supply List
Eliashuk HS Chorus Pencil (Folder will be provided)
Eliashuk Musical Theatre Small binder and writing utensil
SWS English 10 Writing utensil and folder or binder
Toole Earth Science 1″ Binder (or larger), pens/pencils, 2 pocket folder, loose leaf paper, calculator (4 function or scientific), colored pencils (optional)
Mellor Regents Chemistry  binder (1.5 or 2 inch), pens and pencils, calculator, lined paper
Mellor/Christian Physical Science Medium to large Binder 2.5-3″, pencils
Cornell Math 3 ring binder (1″), pocket folder, loose leaf paper, pen/pencil
D. Connolly Algebra pencil
D. Connolly Consumer Math charged Chromebook
Ellis  Math in Society (formerly General Geometry) A 2 inch, 3 ring binder, 1 folder, loose leaf lined paper, loose leaf graph paper, pencils.
Ellis 9/10 Geometry A 3 inch, 3 ring binder, A heavy duty folder or small 3 ring binder (1 inch or less), loose leaf lined paper, loose leaf graph paper, pencils.
Overocker Algebra/Geometry 2 inch three ring binder, pen/pencil
Day Span 1C/2/3 and HVCC Span 200/201 One subject notebook and a 2-pocket folder
Berschwinger, Honsinger, Weaver Physical Education Students need a good quality three-pronged notebook with pockets, loose leaf paper and a pen or pencil and pencil sharpener.

Students must change into proper PE attire which includes sneakers, shorts and a tee shirt, an extra pair of socks, a hoodie or sweatshirt and sweatpants, yoga pants or running tights, thin cotton gloves and a hat or headband to prepare for cooler outside temperatures. 

Hygiene: students must have stick deodorant and hand sanitizer.  Optional: lotion, hair ties, brush and non-aerosol body spray.

11th Grade

PDF of 11th Grade Supply List

Teacher’s Last Name Content Area Supply List
Lamontagne English 11, AP English pencils, 3×3 sticky notes, pens, paper, and English-dedicated folder or binder
Mellor Regents Chemistry  binder (1.5 or 2 inch), pens and pencils, calculator, lined paper
Mellor/Christian Physical Science Medium to large Binder 2.5-3″, pencils
Christian Regents Physics
 Medium to large Binder 2.5-3″, pencils, lined paper, graph paper, metric ruler, protractor
Covell U.S History Notebook, Pencils/Pens, Folder
D. Connolly Algebra pencil
D. Connolly Consumer Math charged Chromebook
Eliashuk HS Chorus Pencil (Folder will be provided)
Eliashuk Musical Theatre binder, notebook/chromebook
SWS English 11 Writing utensil and folder or binder
Ellis  Math in Society (formerly General Geometry) A 2 inch, 3 ring binder, 1 folder, loose leaf lined paper, loose leaf graph paper, pencils.
Cornell Math 3 ring binder (1″), pocket folder, pen/pencil
Ellis Finite Math 1 college ruled Notebook with perforated paper, pens/pencils, and a folder. You may use a binder with loose leaf if you would rather.
Day Span 1C/2/3 and HVCC Span 200/201 One subject notebook and a 2-pocket folder
Berschwinger, Honsinger, Weaver Physical Education Students need a good quality three-pronged notebook with pockets, loose leaf paper and a pen or pencil and pencil sharpener.

Students must change into proper PE attire which includes sneakers, shorts and a tee shirt, an extra pair of socks, a hoodie or sweatshirt and sweatpants, yoga pants or running tights, thin cotton gloves and a hat or headband to prepare for cooler outside temperatures. 

Hygiene: students must have stick deodorant and hand sanitizer.  Optional: lotion, hair ties, brush and non-aerosol body spray.

12th Grade

PDF of 12th Grade Supply List

Teacher’s Last Name Content Area Supply List
Eliashuk HS Chorus Pencil (Folder will be provided)
Eliashuk Musical Theatre Small binder and Writing utensil
Mellor/Christian Physical Science Medium to large Binder 2.5-3″, pencils
Christian Marine Biology
Small binder with lined paper,
SWS English 12 Writing utensil, journal notebook, and folder or binder
Cornell Math 3 ring binder (1″), pocket folder, pen/pencil
D. Connolly Algebra pencil
Ellis Finite Math 1 college ruled Notebook with perforated paper, pens/pencils, and a folder. You may use a binder with loose leaf if you would rather.
D. Connolly Consumer Math charged Chromebook
Day Span 1C/2/3 and HVCC Span 200/201 One subject notebook and a 2-pocket folder
Berschwinger, Honsinger, Weaver Physical Education Students need a good quality three-pronged notebook with pockets, loose leaf paper and a pen or pencil and pencil sharpener.

Students must change into proper PE attire which includes sneakers, shorts and a tee shirt, an extra pair of socks, a hoodie or sweatshirt and sweatpants, yoga pants or running tights, thin cotton gloves and a hat or headband to prepare for cooler outside temperatures. 

Hygiene: students must have stick deodorant and hand sanitizer.  Optional: lotion, hair ties, brush and non-aerosol body spray.