Josephine Cummings’ digital painting “Afterlife”
Berlin takes 3rd place! At this year’s 34th Annual Questar III Juried High School Invitational Art Exhibit, Josephine Cummings’ digital painting “Afterlife” received a 3rd place award, marking the first time Berlin CSD has placed in 1st, 2nd or 3rd in this exhibit. Congratulations to Josie, as well as Bella Berrios and Abby Thela whose work was also selected for this exhibit this year. Be sure to check out all 3 pieces at this year’s Arts Alive! Student Art Exhibit at the MS/HS on June 1st.
More from the Juried High School Invitational Art Exhibit here:
2023 – 34th Annual Juried High School Art Exhibit – Questar III BOCES
Questar III BOCES Hosted 34th Annual Juried High School Art Exhibit – Questar III BOCES