Berlin Central School District’s monthly Teacher Feature highlights teachers from the elementary, middle and high schools.

BCSD will quote the featured teachers responses to a light-hearted questionnaire. This is an opportunity for the teachers at BCSD to share a little about themselves as well as offer some advice from a teacher’s perspective.

April’s featured teachers are, Ms. Sausville and Mr. Sauer from the elementary school and Ms. Gould and Ms. Honsinger from the middle/high school.


Ms. Stacy Sausville

Elementary Physical Education Teacher


1. What is your favorite memory from school?  

When I was in elementary school our school held a gymnastics event every year. We would form small groups, choose a song and design our own gymnastics routine that we would perform for parents. I loved gymnastics so this was always my favorite!

2. What would the students be surprised to find out about you? What is one of your hidden talents? 

I have run two half marathons. I wouldn’t say it’s a talent but it’s an accomplishment I’m proud of and would probably surprise my students. 

3. What makes a ‘good day’ at school? 

A good day is when I see my students engaged and having fun with activities, hearing laughter, seeing effort, and displaying good sportsmanship.

4. What kinds of questions do you suggest that I ask my child(ren) on a daily basis after a day at school? 

Tell me something that made you laugh today. What is something kind you did for someone else today? What challenged you today?

5. What are the best resources that we should consider using to support our child in the classroom?

You as the parent are their best resource to support your child in physical education.  Take your child(ren) to local parks and playgrounds. Explore hiking trails and participate in local sport clubs. *Play builds gross motor skills. When children are participating in outside play they engage different muscles and build their gross motor skills.  They learn to coordinate their muscle groups to do fun stuff! What’s more, outside play helps kids take healthy risks with their bodies (ex: jumping from a log), build confidence in their ability to do things, and get exercise while reducing stress. (

6. If you could take the students on a field trip to anywhere in the world, where would you take them?  

I would take them to the Summer Olympics! 

7. What is your “trapped on a desert island” book?  

I’ve recently begun reading Harry Potter with my son and it is very entertaining.

Mr. Kasson Sauer

Elementary Physical Education Teacher


1. What is your favorite memory from school?  

I loved 3rd Grade with Mr. Glover at Grafton Elementary raising baby chickens for Science class!

2. What would the students be surprised to find out about you? What is one of your hidden talents?

I competed in Jr. Olympics, Nationals, and Empire State Games in the sport of Judo. My sensei’s top student was Jason Morris who medaled in the 1992 Summer Olympics.

3. What makes a ‘good day’ at school? 

Embracing the excitement and energy that kids bring to class each day, eager to have fun and learn.

4. What kinds of questions do you suggest that I ask my child(ren) on a daily basis after a day at school? 

Was there a kind act you did for a friend in school, and was there one that you remember a friend doing for you?

5. What are the best resources that we should consider using to support our child in the classroom?

Technology has been a significant resource for our students it’s transcendent in the classroom and will be for their future development.

6. If you could take the students on a field trip to anywhere in the world, where would you take them?  

Definitely a trip to Disney World, it’s an experience of a lifetime.

7. What is your “trapped on a desert island” book?  

Well hopefully a book on how to survive being trapped on a deserted island but all jokes aside mostly anything Stephen King.


Ms. Jessica Gould

BMHS Instrumental Music Teacher 


1. What is your favorite memory from school?

I guess I would have to say anything sports or music related; I was extremely involved in both.  Although, playing dodgeball at recess in 4th grade is a close second.

2. What would the students be surprised to find out about you? 

I’ve been to Rome, Italy more times than Massachusetts.  I haven’t even been to Jiminy Peak! Hidden talents? According to Mr. Gould I am a boss at stacking wood and making pasta sauce and salsa.  

3. What makes a ‘good day’ at school?

My keys are in hand, my coffee is hot and my schedule is full.  Mr. Gould says goodbye as Leslie Eliashuk sings a good morning and hello.  All of my lessons show up, my 7th grade general music class allows me to believe I’m in charge and my Music Appreciation kids are fully engaged.  Then I cap my day off with some volleyball coaching with an awesome group of athletes.

4. What kinds of questions do you suggest that I ask my child(ren) on a daily basis after a day at school?

“How was your day?”  Really sit and listen to the answer.

5. What are the best resources that we should consider using to support our child in the classroom?

In our current times I would say the teachers, staff and community.  The saying ‘It takes a village…” truly has meaning to us now.

6. If you could take the students on a field trip to anywhere in the world, where would you take them?

Do you mean where ELSE?  I have had the amazing opportunity of accompanying students all over Europe. If I had to choose a destination I’ve not yet gone to with students  it would be Venice to see a classical concert in an old cathedral.

7. What is your “trapped on a desert island” book?

I don’t have a particular book but perhaps a book on how to desalinate ocean water because I’m going to get thirsty.


Ms. Sandy Honsinger

BMHS Health and Physical Education


1. What is your favorite memory from school? 

Running Track and Field

2. What would the students be surprised to find out about you? What is one of your hidden talents? 

 I love to garden and cook.

3. What makes a ‘good day’ at school? 

Sitting back and watching my students positively interacting with each other and self regulating a game or project.

4. What kinds of questions do you suggest that I ask my child(ren) on a daily basis after a day at school? 

What was the best part of your day?  What made you laugh?  What made you think? What did you figure out?

5. What are the best resources that we should consider using to support our child in the classroom? 

Making sure they are getting quality sleep, giving them some down time, and a positive communicative relationship with us.

6. If you could take the students on a field trip to anywhere in the world, where would you take them? 

Universal Studios

7. What is your “trapped on a desert island” book? 

Torah ( it would take a lifetime to read and understand)