Picture of Popsicles

Sixth Grade Orientation and Popsicle Party
August 29, 2017

Sixth grade orientation is scheduled for Tuesday, August 29, 2017 from 8:00am to 12:00 pm with a popsicle party immediately following the orientation. Students may bring their school supplies to put in their lockers if they would like.​

Students will get their lockers, locks and schedules.  Staff and WEB leaders will help our new sixth graders learn to use their locks as well as read their schedules.  Dr. Allain will serve popsicles to students and families as they come to pick up their children at noon.  Please plan to join us!!!

Summer reading assignments for incoming sixth grade students are available here.

For additional information on the transition to grade six please see the June 7, 2017 presentation available here.