students looking at displayThe Literacy Leadership Team that consists of several department chairs, administrators, and teachers from the Middle-High School decided to host a Celebration of Learning week. The week of March 11 through 15, highlighted some of the great learning activities that are happening in all the classrooms. The LL team decided that each department would have a day of content related fun. Department teachers decided what they wanted to do for their designated day.

On Monday, ELA teachers went to each classroom and asked fun ELA trivia questions like, “What is the shortest complete sentence in the English language?  Spell supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.”

Tuesday the Science department had students compete to build the tallest paper tower using only an 8 x 11 paper and a 30-cm piece of tap.

Wednesday, the Social Studies department did a guess “Who’s who in history,” and Thursday the math department did “Pi BINGO” where the winners got to pie a faculty member.

Friday, the celebration concluded with students walking the halls during first period to share and examine all the different types of learning displays that were put together. Near the end of the day the Arts department participated by displaying their talents in a number from Fiddler on the Roof and a painting competition.

The Celebration of Learning week at the Berlin Middle-High School was a success and a great opportunity to pause to celebrate, create, and share the learning that happens every day.